DUDES!!!! guess wat!!

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Well-Known Member
so i just bought a 1/2 oz of regs today for 200$ is this good??? i think so?? and i had to buy a little kid thermos to store it in since i lost my old container, im hoping it doesnt stink to bad tho..


Well-Known Member
Depending on how good reg is where you live. Around here that's a shit deal but if your excited about it then your reg is probably better than mine:peace:

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
$200 is like 3x and change what you should be paying for a 1/2 oz of regs

but it does depend on where you live. do you live somewhere where weed is really illegal?


New Member

omfg.. are you like 12? judging by ur avatar I assume u are.. who the hell pays 200.00 for a 1/2 of reggie? thats insanely stupid. I pay 60.00 at most for a 1/2 oz.. thats the craziest shit I ever heard


Active Member
a half oz of reg in phoenix is only about $30-40. for about $50 you can get a half oz of some reg that can pass as chronic.
so to me that sounds like a rip-off, but prices range by state and i would have to see the two buds side by side to compare them.
i can get a half oz of some really good kush or purp for 200 here though, so i think you live in the wrong state


Well-Known Member
Okay here's a pretty simple test. How many seeds you got? Also are the nugs fluffy or are they smashed up?


Well-Known Member
200 dollars? u gotta be kidding me! i buy halfs for $50 and ounces for $100 unless weed is impossible to find where u live and your reg is alot better, if not ur getting fuckedover


Well-Known Member

omfg.. are you like 12? judging by ur avatar I assume u are.. who the hell pays 200.00 for a 1/2 of reggie? thats insanely stupid. I pay 60.00 at most for a 1/2 oz.. thats the craziest shit I ever heard
why u gota be a dick dude.. seriously.. tht wasnt needed.

but i would pay like 120 for an O... so.. 200 for 1/2 is kinda a shitty deal
however... i dont no wat ur "idea" of reg is.
u have a pic? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
In NorCal, all the college kids pay 260-380 for ounces, so that's a reasonable half. I've bought 2 halves, one was $200, and the other was $160, but that was for dank shit.


New Member
why u gota be a dick dude.. seriously.. tht wasnt needed.

but i would pay like 120 for an O... so.. 200 for 1/2 is kinda a shitty deal
however... i dont no wat ur "idea" of reg is.
u have a pic? :mrgreen:

Why did YOU be a dick?

See how that works? you have an opinion and expressed it..So did I.. Get over it.. all it is is letters forming sentences... its not an ass whooping. this is the internet..Not church.. I take it ur not from around here.

Seems like you love posting shit behind me.. Are you stalking me?


Well-Known Member
Around here I can get a Oz of regs for $100. A 1/2 of some dank is a little less than $200, probably around $170, so if you live near me you got ripped the fuck off.


New Member
In NorCal, all the college kids pay 260-380 for ounces, so that's a reasonable half. I've bought 2 halves, one was $200, and the other was $160, but that was for dank shit.
yea but where im from "reg's" means schwagg.. basically.. so 200.00 fpr a 1/2 of schwagg is really really sad.. And something that happens to young'n's that dont know better.

SO sry if my post seems "mean" to some ppl, but this is supposed to be an over 18 site therefore I shouldnt have to "watch what I say".. Besides, he asked what I thought so I told him.. Just because I have my OWN opinions doesnt make me a "dick"..


Well-Known Member
Yeah same here, regs means mids, but not brown. Our regs are still green, but there aren't many trichomes, and not to much orange hairs, just some dark green buds.


Well-Known Member
I take it ur not from around here.

Seems like you love posting shit behind me.. Are you stalking me?
im not sure what u mean by " i take it ur not from around here".. if ur talking about this site.. then ive been here way longer than u.. u just started this month?.. correct... im jst trying to keep the peace, i c nothing wrong with that.

as for me stalking u... uhhhh noooo
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