dude's!!! it's freaking hott


Well-Known Member
i dont know about where you guys live, but its been in the tripple digets for weeks now! cant deal with this much longer...im not a summer kinda person, i like cooler temps...


Active Member
I know what you mean man, where i'm at the weather is usually shit but we're part way through a "two week heatwave" and I can't sleep at night cause it's so fucking clammy and horrible. I nearly passed out the other day because I sat outside all day smoking and I think the sun got me more baked than the weed


Well-Known Member
over 30 days of 100+ degree days in a row with no relief in sight. i need to move to san fransico.


Well-Known Member
man no shit, im getting baked with out even smoking, shit aint even right....got my face stuck in the freezer, wife screaming at me that im gonna thaw all the meat out, hehe


Well-Known Member
I'm not usually one to complain about the heat. I can deal with temps up to, and slightly higher than, the average human body temp (98.6 degrees F) with no problem. But this shit lately has been intense.

It's over 80 degrees at 7:00 a.m. It feels like an oven every time you go outside during the day.

The wind blows hot. The heat permeates everything. When you touch metal under the shade, it's hot.

Just about everything is dead. What is not dead already the deer and rabbits get. All the grass is brown. The garden is a total loss except for okra and peppers. And I have to water the fuck out of them.

At 9:00 p.m., it's still 100 degrees out. It reached 111 degrees the other day.

It's fucking HOT!

I swear to god when it finally rains I will dance in my yard - NEKKID.