Due to my own stupidity my cat broke my Roor bong


Well-Known Member
I left my Roor bong out last night because I fell asleep stoned on the couch and my cat pushed it off the counter. Can't blame my cat because she's just being her; besides it was my own fault I left it out.

So I don't have the money currently to replace a $250 Roor bong I was thinking is there any decent ones for $50ish?


Well-Known Member
make a home made bong and join the bong making contest thats going on for like one more week

and make that cat fork over the 250 for your bong


Well-Known Member
Get a dog, they dont walk on the counter.

Just kiddin

Sorry to hear for your loss, but im sure a headshop around you will have something pretty decent for 50 bucks.


Active Member
just get the same thing without the sticker for half the price. they all break the same. :)
I feel your pain man. Just broke my first ice bong, which marks both pieces of glass I bought was broken by my own hand. It was only 4 months old :cry: My first glass pipe I bought only last 2 nights :spew:

my condolences
go to heady glass.com there having a 3 day tube sale and have some nice stuff. They have illadelph for 20% off and they have some really nice worked staright tubes that are 220$ tubes and sale for $100 with free priority shipping.