dull side of alluminum foil ok?


Well-Known Member
cmon now...we talked about breeding scias....you should know im not a n00b

although im always learning new shit


Well-Known Member
cmon now...we talked about breeding scias....you should know im not a n00b

although im always learning new shit
it's kind of funny that you say that ... every time i start feeling - hey i know my shit! something happens and i realize what a noob (god i hate that word) i really am. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Good air is essential to good buds.
Any fool can grow a piece of scraggly weed with fluffy buds.
No good air no nice tight hairy nuggets and mould ensues easily.
Listen to email:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
it's kind of funny that you say that ... every time i start feeling - hey i know my shit! something happens and i realize what a noob (god i hate that word) i really am. :mrgreen:

shit what you talking about email468.....YOU THE ONE WHO hipped me to the game.

i want to thank you for it .....sometimes i get a lil cocky with the information you armed me with as well as the info i get from reading books, watching vids and experiences....thanks again man!!!!


Well-Known Member
i can fudge my way through and get some smokable bud but there is much, much more about growing i don't know that vice versa - but thanks for the kind words :joint: