Dumbass friend says Volcanoe Vaporizer is a gimmick


Active Member
Whats up fellow RUIers....So my friend has been getting on my effin nerves:cuss:...now shes misinforming other that the Volvanoe Vaporizer is a gimmick....WTF...I love it and live by it.....Im almost to the point of just giving up on trying to convince her....Its just that shes spreading her ignorance to others and I cant have that...How do I convince my nimble minded friend that its better than smoking....:fire:
Well first off is she saying vaporizers in general are a gimmick and don't really work? or that volcano vaporizers are a gimmick? Because truth be told while they are the top of the line vaporizers they are not worth $400 more than most other vaporizers and therefore if her problem is with volcanoes alone she may have a point.


Active Member
let me rephrase what I said...I think I sound very biased because i own a Volcanoe...shes saying that in general vaporizing sucks and that your really not getting high...she feels she needs to smoke more often etc...IMO shes just sooo use to the "smoke" factor that comes from combustion....


Well-Known Member
i prefer a bong over a bag. i love a big cloud of thick white smoke. bongsmilie

vaporizers do get me high though.


Active Member
mmmmm...thick white smoke......I cant deny it man I love that thick cloud...I dont exclusively vaporize...I use it wherever I can haul it and have an outlet...
I mean yea you are paying for the volcano name and that's why I was asking for a little more detail on the situation cause if her point is that volcanoes themselves are a gimmick she is right. It is a gimmick that you pay $200 plus extra dollars just for a name, not for an actual increase in quality.

Now that being said you definitely get higher off of vaporizers then you do off of bongs based only on the quantity of weed you have to smoke. To prove this point you should weigh out exactly a vaporizers packs worth of weed and toss it on the scale. Then weight out the exact same amount of weed and put it in a bong and let her smoke the vaporizer then when he isn't high anymore smoke the bong and see which one gets her higher for longer.

But like everyone here has said already there is something to the act of actually smoking. I will always love taking massive bong rips and such over the actual act of smoking a vap even though they are more effective.


Well-Known Member
I do agree with her.

I had an herbalaire, Volcano classic and now have a Volcano digital, vapor genie, and I can vaporize with indirect heat from my soldering iron with my bong and while it gets me high; it is nothing like a good bong rip or joint. I was BIG into vaping for a while - it is all that I would use. Now it has its place and it is surely not my main contender. To get me as high as a milky bong rip I would have to use a lot more in the Volcano and it STILL wouldn't hit you in the head like Mike Tyson in his prime like my RooR does.

I like a bag when I have to go out with others or when I have shit to do and I like to smoke when I am going to chill and watch a movie.

After years of bonging and vaporizing I am starting to think a pack of zig-zags and lefties are the best method to smoke. Tastes great, gets you high, relaxing, nothing to clean / spill / break, and that last resiny hit does magic. I consider a Volcano a step down in pleasure from a nice J - Mine has been collecting dust for some time now.


Well-Known Member
Now that being said you definitely get higher off of vaporizers then you do off of bongs based only on the quantity of weed you have to smoke. To prove this point you should weigh out exactly a vaporizers packs worth of weed and toss it on the scale. Then weight out the exact same amount of weed and put it in a bong and let her smoke the vaporizer then when he isn't high anymore smoke the bong and see which one gets her higher for longer.
I actually disagree with this. Smoking my one hitter will get me higher that vaping a one hitter. I believe that a vaporizer is more efficient at extracting THC because they can hone in on a precise temperature and none is wasted by the flame.

I however do not believe that a vaporizer is good at vaporizing all of the cannabinoids. First off look at any smoking piece after one hit - it will be coated in resin, whereas I can use a volcano daily and it is almost spotless after months of use. Secondly you can make butter with your vape remains and get high as fuck. That means that you are leaving a lot behind.

Sure a Vaporizer is more efficient at extracting THC. But remember that getting high is more than THC.


Well-Known Member
I been smoking many years and the first time I smoked out of a volcano I could barely drive. I could smoke a few joints in one sitting easy and take like 10 to 20 hits off each joint. But several hits off the volcano I was blazed beyond my own belief. I'd say it's more potent than bong rips or joints if your just blazing buds. But less potent than taking bong rips of hash or a joint rolled with some great bubble hash IMHO


Well-Known Member
all this talk got me wanting. my bag and heat gun are right here so i pulled them out. after 3 bag fulls i'm high, but i'm hitting the bong next. :wink: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
all this talk got me wanting. my bag and heat gun are right here so i pulled them out. after 3 bag fulls i'm high, but i'm hitting the bong next. :wink: bongsmilie
LOL - Thatta boy!

I just smoked 3 tightly packed hitters out of my clear glass 1 hitter.

I am thinking of a vaporized 18" RooR bong hit next.