Dump a few worms into the pot with the plant?


New Member
i have thought of this question befor.while puttin the worms can help with areation in the soil an help the roots get oxogen...i think though it might be more troulbe then what its worth.just use more perlite.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The worms would help as they tunnel they aerate the soil which also helps drainage. They eat through the soil expelling worm poop or casting which again rejuvinate the soil.Buy some big night crawlers and put a dozen or so in a pot and get the full organic benefits.


Well-Known Member
The worms would help as they tunnel they aerate the soil which also helps drainage. They eat through the soil expelling worm poop or casting which again rejuvinate the soil.Buy some big night crawlers and put a dozen or so in a pot and get the full organic benefits.

I have a dozen red worms now. they're a lot smaller than night crawlers.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
It shouldnt hurt them really as they will dig down if its too much as the ferts get filtered the further down the water drains it dilutes it.Toss them reds right on in. They wil work deep anyways to stay out the light and in the cool dirt which give aerated soil for new roots to easily grow through


Well-Known Member
I did this yesterday obviously too soon to reap any benefits or to encounter any issues. I split a dozen night crawlers between 2 of my smaller plants figuring if for some unseen reason they cause harm then I have only given up the runts anyways. and also if they help make these a bit more vigirous (sp?) in there growth or in any other way then they will go in all my pots I could see absolutely no negatives in doing this and still can not lots of possible positives and possible they will be of no harm or help not sure


Well-Known Member
notice any changes due to the worms? I personally dont but then again I put them in with my runts and only 6 crawlers per bucket


Well-Known Member
Well here it is months later and I still have the bucket with the same dirt. It looks like these fuckers have turned over 8-9 times now. dozens and dozens of worms


Well-Known Member
we use to have a 5g bucket and we throw like 10 worms in and a month later had a bunch more. we just had some soil that was left over that filled it half way up, then to feed them we would throw bread and other scrap food in it. i would feed our fish put them around plant and the take some of the soil with new seedlings. they work wonders


Well-Known Member
I have an empty, cracked 55 gallon tank I'm thinking of making a worm bed. I fish a lot in the spring