Durban Poison CLF Mini Grow


Well-Known Member
So this is what I'm growing:

Seeds: Durban Poison (3 plants)
Box: in cm h41-w45-d31 (in inch h16-w18-d12)
Light: 46W for veg. 63W for flowering.
Soil: Biobizz All-Mix
Pots: two in 1L pot and 1 in 0.5L

Open cotyledons: 10/06
12/12 schedule: 23/07
Pre-flowering: 28/07
Size August 10: 40cm (15.7 inch)

The two in 1L pot are better than the other one so for following grow I'll use 1L pots only, it's not worthy to use 0.5L.

Also I'll only grow 2 plants in the box because there is not space enough for more than two. And even if I could fit 3 or 4, it would make it much harder to control humidity and temperature, so 2 plants max from now on.

I have bent the stem on all 3 of them because it was my first grow in such small space and at certain point they grew too big, you can see that on the pics when I upload them. Next time I'll use LST.

Here are the pictures:


These are the three girls (recent pictures):


I took them off the box to take the pictures and see if they were doing alright, it can be a little difficult in that little space :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is low. I'm thinking of getting one of those 105W or 150W bulbs but right now this is what I've got and the plants doesn't seem to be doing that bad, right ? :)


Active Member
its not looking to bad at the moe mate, more is better tho.

what you could do is grab another 63watter and use 46w as well, that way u aint spent much and u got more lumen's.

best of luck


Well-Known Member
Here are some new pictures, the pistils are getting brown already, quite early, not sure why could this be happening. I'll have to be careful because I may have to cut before I thought.




I'm gonna be a daddy with this girls, they are not hermaphrodite but one of them had two male flowers and I saw already few seeds on some branches. I was checking all the branches because I don't want many seeds but they'll just have a few :)


Well-Known Member
If the pistils are going brown early it's probably because the calyx has been pollinated. This is what happens when a seed starts growing, the hair/stigma dies back and looks like it is finishing, well it is because its done it's job. So you will probably be finding a lot more seeds if you have seen a male flower as well. Or did you catch it in time?

Pretty little things though.

Peace, DST

EDIT: Good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
No, I didn't catch it in time, the first one I saw it when it fell on the floor of the night-stand. The other one I cut it out the plant but I think it was already open. Even looking for them is almost imposible to spot just one of them in one plant.

Anyway that was some time ago and I can only see a few seeds growing, it they were more, I should be able to spot them by now. I hope you are wrong coz I wouldn't like to get many seeds but I guess I'll have to wait and see in about a week or two if there are more seeds growing.

Thanks for the info DST :)


Well-Known Member
Dude, you chose one of the biggest strains to ever be grown "Mini".

I have grown DP outdoors and it can get up to 15 feet tall.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
15 feet ?? for real ? that's some crazy height man!! amazing. I've never had the chance to grow outdoor. Last year I grew a DP in the balcony (actually their mam) in a 4L pot and it was 35inch (88cm) tall when I cut it. She only had one and a half month to grow but it was amazing to see it grow and flower, beautiful strain.

This time the seeds are not from a seed bank and this girls are smaller than their mam but the conditions, like the 1L pot and the light is not letting they grow much. Right now they are 44cm (17 inch) and I they are not growing anymore.

But you're totally right, I'll try a more suitable strain for this small space next time, just wanted to use the seeds I got and see how it goes with the indoor which is brand new :)


Well-Known Member
I already harvested the one in 0.5L pot. It's been a crappy plant, I guess she'll give something around 2-4g.

The other two are real nice, I'll try to upload some pictures this weekend and I may also harvest them this weekend. The smell when I move them is good :) and they've got some nice thricomes as well.
Do you want to keep growing small plants? What's the size of your cab at the moment. To wait 10 weeks to harvest 2-4g is a little bit pointless IMO but each to their own.

I used a cab 3.5ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft using a 150w red and 125w blue CFL and harvested 74g from 2 Autoflowers 56 days from seed to harvest. Maybe look at an autoflower next time.

Definitely increase your lights and pot size and you could be looking at a decent harvest. Check my signature out for some inspiration.


Well-Known Member
Hi John,

Yes, I definitely want to keep growing small plants, did you see how beautiful they are ? I love those bonsai girls ;)
The size of the box is h41, w45, d31 cm, is like two pc cases put beside each other.

Agree that waiting 10 weeks to harvest 2-4g sounds quite bad but.... What I got out of them wasn't only the harvest, I've also learned a lot and that will improve my next grows :)

I wanted to point out that even if I won't get much from this one, I've got few other plants in 0.5L pots and they are doing better, so you could definitely get some better results in 0.5L pots. Anyway, sure I won't use 0.5L pots again and neither 1L horizontal pots. From now on I'm going with 1L pots which I saw can grow some decent plants. Lets wait to see what happens with the other two I've got :)
You seem happy with what your doing thats fine. I just wanted to give my 2c, you can do so much more with that space!

Maybe a 150w Red CFL, LST or SCRoG with some good ventilation you could maybe even get more light in there. DIY Pots so you can get bigger roots. I know i'm going on about size but you may aswell get 10-15g a harvest than 2-4g. See how far you can take that cab!!

If it was me i'd never stop testing with ventilation, lighting and pots until that cab was at its optimum!


Well-Known Member
I know I can certainly do much better with this cab, this are the first plants I harvest from it and the one in the 0.5L pot was the smallest one. The other two will be around the 10g each I think.

I'm currently working on the ventilation and I'll start this weekend learning some LST with the new 12/12 from seed grow I've currently going.

Sure I want to get the most of the cab :) trying my best but it just takes some time, have to get on with so many things... LST, ventilation, humidity, powdery mildew, lighting, fungus gnats, thrips... Will get 30g per plant at some point ;D

Appreciate those 2c John :)
Thats more ambitious I thought you were happy with your current harvest and I knew you could do so much more! What is your current lighting and ventilation system? Ive been quite impressed with the capabilities of PC Fans if you can get the right ones.

Is this your first grow? Also I like to veg for at least a week before going to flower it makes a massive difference. Rather than 12 12 from seed maybe you should consider vegging for 2 or 3 weeks and tying them down. When they are in veg you can bend their stems more than 90 degrees and they wont snap. Will allow you to get an even canopy and those CFLs no further than 0.5-1 inch away from every bud site!!


Well-Known Member
No, I don't really like to harvest just 2-4g from one plant hehe, but I don't really mind on that plant because first, I'm learning/experimenting and 2nd I've got many more plants ;)

The lighting is not much at the moment but I know that and have in mind to increase it in the future. I've got around 3600 lumens.

For ventilation, as I said I'm working on it at the moment so it will change, but until now I had two 120cm 45cfm fans, one for intake and one for exhaust. Now I added an 80cm fan temporarily inside.

This is my first grow indoor and my first cabinet, I've always grown in the balcony before for several years.

I actually did veg the 12/12 from seed grow for 5 days in a 24/0 schedule before I put them under 12/12. Anyway I don't think it really matters much coz even if you grow 12/12 from seed you get around 3 weeks of normal grow until they get preflowers.

That's what I'm planning to do with them, some kind of 90 degree bending (but lst this time). For my cab, I believe it will be much better than tiding the branches to the sides to make the most of the space I've got :)
