Durban Poison CLF Mini Grow


Well-Known Member
Looks like my plant in my dresser grow crazy bend to it!! Good job man U wont regret the extra bulb... i had 9 CFLS in my box for one plant all 23 or 28 watters dont meber wat it was but i was happy..


Well-Known Member




It seems that they are both growing some new white pistils, they've got also some nice thricomes and smell lately. Anyway I may harvest this weekend even if it's a bit early coz I'm going away for a few days. I'll let you know what happen with them :)
How come you have chopped most of the leaves off? I did this once and it really affected my harvest. Yours look real good though. When did you do this?


Well-Known Member
I have removed all the leaves as they were getting yellow or sick. Most of them where falling from the plant just by pushing them a little bit with my fingers. I never remove healthy leaves :)


Well-Known Member
Harvested and a I'm a little bit disappointed with the results. I really thought I was gonna get a little bit more.

DP1: 2g (didn't expect much from this one in a 0.5L pot)
DP2: 6g
DP3: 5g

I was hopping to be close to the 10g but I guess it was too much to expect for the first indoor grow and not many lumens. Anyway, it was nice to grow this girls and the next two are already flowering and I'm sure they will do better that this ones. I'm so looking forward to harvest the new girls to see the difference, even if I didn't add more light I expect to be closer to the 10g this time, lets see how it goes :)

If anybody wants to check it, is the 12/12 from seeds grow.