Durban Poison?


Well-Known Member
i wanna know to bro . i just ordered 300 bucks worth of seeds from nirvana and dr chronic and this was one of the ones that looked good since i love purple strains. i grew new purple power and it turned out great indoors, this one shouldnt be as different since purple strains are cake to flower.


Well-Known Member
i hear its an outdoor plant that doesnt yield the best but smokes great and does well in higher altitudes.. unless im thinking of a different strain....


Active Member
its a great strain like most old school strains,if fed properly it willl explode,real durban poison i aquired from south africa and came in sticks (looked like penciles rolled tight in what looked to be a brown paper sack,ya peeled off the paper and there it was,hard as stone and bright bright green witha super bad couch lock effect,this is south africas commercial strain back in the 70's it was rare even in europe now i hear its most old school strains its timid while young but once you have its balance right shazam!! peace