Dust shroom


Well-Known Member
You never want a fan for your intake. Always passive. If you want to stick that in there you can, but there is no need for a intake filter in my opinion. That will probably reduce the intake airflow quite a bit also because of how fine the particulate is that it filters, especially if it gets dirty which will happen fast. It's also quite expensive..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, what would be the best way to filter out bugs or mold spores from a passive intake if it’s just an opening?

Just a straight up opening is ok?

You never want a fan for your intake. Always passive. If you want to stick that in there you can, but there is no need for a intake filter in my opinion. That will probably reduce the intake airflow quite a bit also because of how fine the particulate is that it filters, especially if it gets dirty which will happen fast. It's also quite expensive..[/QU


Well-Known Member
I have just unobstructed openings always. You shouldn't have to worry about bugs or mold in your house. If you have bugs you should spray around the house or call an exterminator, mold should not be a problem either.


Well-Known Member
I have just unobstructed openings always. You shouldn't have to worry about bugs or mold in your house. If you have bugs you should spray around the house or call an exterminator, mold should not be a problem either.
Sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
I use air conditioner replacement filter foam. Available at any Home Depot type place. I rubber band or clamp the foam over the ends of the duct.

And I like using an intake fan. It needs to be kept less powerful than the exhaust to maintain negative pressure but makes the exhaust fans job much easier.

It also lowered my temps 3 degrees from bringing in ac passively to the flower room. Helps spread the cool air around more with he powered intake.

I use fan speed controllers on all the fans to dial things in depending on season and temps out.


Been behind this week on cleaning so I took a pic to show how much dust the filter blocks from the flower room in less than a week in my relatively clean house.

This intake fan allows me to air condition this room with the veg tents with a window a/c and share it with the flower room next door.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I own 2 of them and love them. Both places I'm drawing air from the outside. I also have fan hooked up to both.
Would never draw fresh air from outside into a grow space without a filter system ever. I would also so yes they would work without a fan, just keep them clean. Easy to clean in washing machine. Also get the oil that they sell.