Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough vs. other strawberry cough?


Active Member
I just spent a shitton of money getting 5 Dutch Passion SC fem seeds and now I'm reading that it's not the "real" SC... can someone back this up? I got SC solely because it has a reputation for killing anxiety and unfortunately for some reason these days pretty much all the weed I try is making me anxious :( I don't know why, because 6 months ago I was smoking and was care free... evidently I had some different kind of strain, maybe a 100% indica or something?

Anyways... can anyone relate their experience with Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough? I've read the high is "average" but as long as it nukes anxiety I'll be happy!

I've looked all over this other Strawberry Cough, Kyle Kushman's, but don't see anywhere to buy it...

thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to grow Strawberry Cough for a while as well but haven't bought it because I've heard TONS of bad things about Dutch Passion (lots of hermies mostly) and they charge too much. But I have heard people say that you can get decent results for anti-anxiety despite the shoddy genetics though.

Good Luck with your grow.