Dutch treat potting soil, home test results


Hi there
My disclaimer is i'm a new to growing and on my first everything pretty much. Anyways I'm using dutch treat soil and tried looking up info on it but couldn't really find any so I went and got a $5 home test kit and these are the results. hope this helps somebody out there. IMG_00000147.jpgIMG_00000146.jpgIMG_00000145.jpgIMG_00000148.jpgIMG_00000149.jpgIMG_00000133.jpgIMG_00000144.jpg
I know it's kind of difficult to see but that's the best I can do with what I got.
*I took the pics when I finished all the tests and the ph was initially a little bit lighter green more in the 7.2ish range.
**amounts in chart are in oz./100 sq.ft. &are based on the following fertilizer sources: nitrate (N) ammonia sulfate (21% N), phosphorus (P) triple superphosphate (17.5% P2O5), potash (K) potassium sulfate (48% K2O)


It had low potash, mid to high phosphorus and mid to low nitrogen. The chart recommended adding something 6-6-6 for leafy veggies which I figure is the closest thing. Other choices were root veggies, lawns, fruits, flowers, shrubs-flowering, shrubs-foliage, trees and general feeding.
Good for seedlings then something 6-3-6 for veg since it seems pretty good for P?