Duterte: 3 out of 5 Americans are idiots


Well-Known Member

In fighting back against criticisms from the United States, President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday said three out of five Americans are idiots.

"Ang problema kasi sa puti, itong Amerikanong ulol.. [for] every five Americans kasi, ang tatlo diyan idyoto, dalawa lang ang tama ang utak," Duterte said during a speech at the Convergence of Nanay Volunteers as Community Drug Watch in Pampanga.

(The problem with these white people, these American blockheads, is that three out of five of them are idiots, and only two are in their right minds.)

"Tumahimik kayong mga Amerikano kayo," he added.

(You Americans should just shut up.)

The President was reacting once again to alleged threats to cut aid to the Philippines because of his administration's bloody campaign against illegal drugs, which has claimed over 3,000 lives.

"If you are destroying my country, I will kill you," he said.

it would be funny if it wasn't so scary and sad.

now that is someone who needs to be put down.


Well-Known Member
He was addicted to OXY. Nothing worse than a reformed addict. His son struggled with meth. Not sure if he died? Don't think so. I could Google it but I'm to lazy tonight.


Well-Known Member
True but Duterte is also an idiot nobody should be killed because of drugs though China and Saudi Arabia do it plus many other nations. Cutting aid when our own allies murder drug dealers is pretty dumb as well.