Dwarf auto grow using Fero864

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
When I first received my first LED grow light, I thought it would be a good idea to try a few random auto seeds. One of the things I wanted to establish was:

could a led produce weight and quality to match the maximum recommended by the seed companies for a dwarf auto strain?

When I've started seedlings under HID grow lights in the past they often shriveled or stretched way more than I liked, so to give me a feel for this new light I planted 8 auto seeds:

3 x blackjack (sweet seeds)
3 x cream caramel (sweet seeds)
2 x white dwarf (buddha seeds)

I'll call the day the seeds sprouted*Day 1.*It took 36 hours for all seeds to germinate. On day 1 I potted the 8 seeds into 10cm (4") pots with a mixture of 50:50 compost/perlite, and watered with a 6.3pH water.

From this point I proceeded to over love my babies :). I was so fascinated by the new FeroLed 864 LED grow light that I spent all my spare time with the plants. This, combined with the slower rate of transpiration and evaporation under an LED grow light, led to me over watering them .... hmmmpph. Enough said about that: I should have known better! Still, its all a learning curve ... At first I couldn't believe the problem was as simple as over watering and continued to mistreat the plants for a few days while I worked out the problem.
Here's a photo of an over watered seedling (Cream Caramel, day 13), where the over watering led to a nutrient lock out: ouch!


After running a few experiments to determine exactly what the issue was, once I knew it, it was time to treat the problem.

I needed to encourage the roots to start to take up water again .. and yet the difficulty was the roots were already soaked. The answer? More watering! However this time the water was loaded with 3% H2O2 at 3mm/litre. This mix was poured over the pots until water started running out the bottom (flushing): this drives stale air out of the root system.
After a few days I started to see new and healthy growth emerging from the tips. To be honest the wait was *agony - I couldn't believe I'd f*****d it up! As you know once a leaf is damaged like this it will continue to deteriorate, and we need new leaves to keep the plant going. Also on a short-lived plant like a dwarf auto, all vegetative growth is essential.
By day 14 there was new growth, so I transferred one of the white dwarfs into a 4.5L (1 gallon) smartpot, the others into 10L pots. I used a coco/perlite mix instead of soil. Every two days I watered the plants with a half strength feed, pHd to 6.0 and kept watering until there was at least a 25% run off. The nutrient I'm using just now is Agua Vega by Canna. I would use their coco mix solution but am having a hard time sourcing it locally.
You can see from the photos that now, at day 28. they've fully recovered and are doing well under the LED grow lights. Over watering is obviously an issue that needs to be considered when growing marijuana using this lighting - its not a fault of the LED grow light, just something to be aware of.

Cream Caramel (day 28 )

Black Jack (day 28 )

White Dwarf (day 28 )

Thanks for taking a seat and reading this. If you've got any advice on LED grows, or for that matter on auto growing, please give it! All tips greatly appreciated :)

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
hi guys tx for the interest :) no worrys I enjoy chatting to myself hehhehe
so as things stand now my plants are doing great
I found that I was keeping the light to close to the plants although not stressing them it was making the node spaces very tight TO TIGHT
So I've raised the light to 22' from 15' and am now seeing good vigorous growth, even after many years growing I'm still enthralled by growing the herb it keeps on throwing curve balls at me
I'm starting to really enjoy using this light from the seedling stage to hopeful harvest and to be honest I'm only now starting to appreciate what it is capable of
I'm running another journal on a different forum which is a Fero 357 V a 250w hid and the difference in the room temps are quite noticeable
anyways tx for watching I'll post a few pics in another couple of days to show you guys how my baby's are doing.
PEACE and all that shit :)

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Oh dear, so not even the sarcastic comments worked :) here's a picture of a few of my baby's on day 30 for most theres also a few ww autos which Ive been crossing up for the last two grows but am having problems stabalising the auto trait as of yet this time I only got 20% to auto :(