dwc-aero qts


Well-Known Member
Vinegar to drop pH, or the juice from citrus peels works as well.

Young plants do not need high nutrient concentrations. Dilute whatever you're using to quarter strength.


Active Member
so its ok for the stems to turn red????.....o and now the 2 top leaves are turning yellow ....i lowered the ph to 5.6-6..... any help on my concerns would be apreciated


Well-Known Member
Your two top leaves are turning yellow. Are the veins in the leaf still green? This hints at magnesium deficiency or lockout.

I'm hoping it's just the DWC system you're keeping at pH 5.6-6.0. In soil you want to keep pH around 6.0-6.5.


Active Member
I'm hoping it's just the DWC system you're keeping at pH 5.6-6.0. In soil you want to keep pH around 6.0-6.5.

ya..... i have them all in the dwc now......theyre starting to look better now that i got the ph down from 8....but ya the veins in the leaves are still a dark green......but one of the stalks on my plants is almost all red now


Well-Known Member
Red can come from temperature or it can come from lack of macronutrients. the pale green leaves with green veins hints towards the magnesium and sulfur. Add epsom salts.


Active Member
Red can come from temperature or it can come from lack of macronutrients. the pale green leaves with green veins hints towards the magnesium and sulfur. Add epsom salts.

how much should i use....or will it say when i buy it........

pic 1 is the one that used to be relly yellow (still has red stem) and second is only one still yellow



Well-Known Member
They look fine now. But what's with the white stuff on the leaves in pic 2? Are you foliar feeding the plant?


Active Member
on now im confused......the top leaves are ALL fine .....but now a couple of the lower ones are yellow and drooping.....theyre just having a hard time......im thinkin about sayin fuck it and let them do their thing and if they die start over and use better shit.....no grow


Well-Known Member
I have had problems in my DWC systemsfor A while now also! But mine are almost 3-4 months old and are almost A 1'1/2- 2' tall and in 5 gal bucket's and are looking like crap.... I am seriously looking into going back to my E&F tray for my mother's, I used my tray in the past and never had problem's and I was using crap bag seed then. But now with the new strain's I have and the DWC thing's just are not going as well as I had wanted.


Active Member
ok....new solution again.....i went to the hydro store today.....i baugt some grow & bloom shit for like 50......guy tried to sell me the fukn 150 each shit......then when i told him to go get fukd he remembered the small bottles behind the counter....but anyways hopefully the babes will love it


Active Member
i finally got my setup stablized.....i went in there and checked ph 5.5 ......still have a couple yellow leaves but they look like theyre doin better.....roots are growin really fast now........im happy i got the right shit goin now lol


Well-Known Member
here is something that is happening to my DWC! I am only getting 1 indiv. fan leaf (instead of the typical 5 leaf's) sprouting off! Any ideas on what could have happened? I have heard of it being some kind of stress, but from what? I did just do A nut incress but this was happening awhile ago. Any ideas would be greatly app.!


Active Member
GODDAMMIT......GODMMIT.....GOD MOTHER MUCKING DMMIT.......idk wts wrong......besides ph went up again.....i went to the casino for a couple days and came back and my babies are twice the size ( dont get me wrong they got big) but the bottom leaves are all dying.... rgeyre tellow and crispy.........it makes me wanna cry /jk/ ...... .......please help

on a good note.......i got about 4 white cap dank seeds...... hopefully they work out......better......im going to wait till thease look healthier then im going to germinate the dank beans