DWc am I just been too worried? pics


Well-Known Member
20150113_170501.jpg 20150113_170431.jpg So this is my 3rd run with DWC,my past 2 attempts have been pretty much fine apart from some little bugs in my root zone from infected clay pebbles so I got rid of them and started using stones!,However this time around my roots do seem to be rather brownish hard to tell by the pics,there not real bad but there's definitely a hint of brown to them which I have never had....and the first single blade leaf is burnt up or some shit...so here's Wat,

I soaked seeds until tap root showed placed the seeds in root riot cubes,the seeds sprouted on 16th December,one I seen roots from the bottom of the cube I then placed them in 4" wool cubes,

Then on the 31st December the roots where we'll established I placed them in my bubbles with quatre strength nutes p.s they have been given green fuse root stim as seedlings,they are still only on quatre strength as I have no ppm pen and don't want to cause damage in this stage,

Ph.my ph has been a constant 5.8 apart from 1 night I forgot to check my ph after a change over till the next day when my ph had risen back up to 6.8 which may have burnt up them early leafs as seen in the pic,

All in all they just seem to be dragging to say there like a month old,my roots would have normally took off a lot more by this point...can anbody spot and faults?, thanks for reading



Active Member
i would make heisenburgs earthworm casting tea. It will defintely stop root from getting a foothold in your res. This stuff stops root rot in its tracks. And No. You are not being too worried. Taking precaution to ensure healthy roots is a must in deep water culture. I would make the tea. It also allows the res temps to be a little higher than usual.


Well-Known Member
H2O2 DWC Was by far the easiest,would kill me in cost now.....Hydrogen Peroxide and and a good TDS and Ph pen then Mold and Bug's shouldn't be a problem.
I have a very good ph pen just have not invested in ppm yet,I know scimping on some stuff you just can't do!,

Hmm h202 is this any good?


Well-Known Member
i would make heisenburgs earthworm casting tea. It will defintely stop root from getting a foothold in your res. This stuff stops root rot in its tracks. And No. You are not being too worried. Taking precaution to ensure healthy roots is a must in deep water culture. I would make the tea. It also allows the res temps to be a little higher than usual.
my res temps are around 19-22c


Well-Known Member
Apply Heisenberg bennies tea and you won't regret. Aside from preventing root rot, it helps the roots explode in growth! It also allow you more room when it comes to res temps, that's with the tea, your res temp should preferably be in the low 70s Fahrenheit!
Now also keep in mind that some nutes, like FloraNova by GH, can stain the roots slightly darker when the ppm is higher!
My recommendation is to invest in a nice EC/PPM pen and look into Heisenberg tea. Actually, I'd recommend reading his thread even if you want to stay with a sterile DWC system!
One last thing, keep in mind that you can never have too much air going into your DWC. The more the better!



Well-Known Member
H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide is better than good...No Mold,No Gnat's...However if You are using a Beneficial Bacteria it has to be timed right..


Well-Known Member
h2o2 is nice, but be careful, its 10x the peroxide you put on ur boo-boo's.... it will cause chemical burns on your flesh. It will cause wilting and damage if applied too strongly....

If u got the time n they ain't bad yet, brew a batch of tea for it, let it rock that for a week... make sure to double check light tightness in the res too, maybe theres an airhose sized hole letting light in er something...


Well-Known Member
Ok,I really wanted to try the heisenburg cure or the hydrogaurd however I lost my job last week and I am quite broke so I really cannot spend a penny on my baby's :( ,and there's no light getting through,I found some cannazym I had from before so this was my only choice....here's some pictures I took today,so what do you guys think any change?



Well-Known Member
Just make sure you check for the obvious light leaks and you should be ok. I think they look pretty happy to be honest


Well-Known Member
Well I went for half strength 1.5 ml per 5 litres,10 minutes later my plants are flat as pancakes,so I go straight to a flush,4 hours later still no change,great help

So what were you doing applying H2o2? What were you trying to treat? That small amount of browning on the roots?

Looks just like a root that's exposed to only air.

I use 17.5% H2o2 in my grow and use it at 2ml per litre in coco. I put 36ml into 18L of nutrient mix.

For cleaning equipment you can use it at 10ml per litre.


Your plants look wet? What did you spray on them?



Well-Known Member
So what were you doing applying H2o2? What were you trying to treat? That small amount of browning on the roots?

Looks just like a root that's exposed to only air.

I use 17.5% H2o2 in my grow and use it at 2ml per litre in coco. I put 36ml into 18L of nutrient mix.

For cleaning equipment you can use it at 10ml per litre.


Your plants look wet? What did you spray on them?

yes JonDo,I norally have double root mass at this stage and I have never had roots like this even with that slight brownish to them I figured somethings just not right,I used essentials oxy plus 17.5,I sprayed them with plain water after the flop and flushed they bounced back 8 hours after but still not 100% they seem to have just lost the spring they had...The vigor,they look dosile


Well-Known Member
yes JonDo,I norally have double root mass at this stage and I have never had roots like this even with that slight brownish to them I figured somethings just not right,I used essentials oxy plus 17.5,I sprayed them with plain water after the flop and flushed they bounced back 8 hours after but still not 100% they seem to have just lost the spring they had...The vigor,they look dosile

Give it a little time.

DWC plants sometimes have drooping issues when being sprayed due to the direct water contact in the bucket.

Hence why when you make a bubble cloner you don't need a humidity dome.

See how they are responding.

I can't remember exactly about CANNAZYM but I think it mentions not using peroxide if using ZYM.



Well-Known Member
Give it a little time.

DWC plants sometimes have drooping issues when being sprayed due to the direct water contact in the bucket.

Hence why when you make a bubble cloner you don't need a humidity dome.

See how they are responding.

I can't remember exactly about CANNAZYM but I think it mentions not using peroxide if using ZYM.

Yeh I can't use cannazym with h202 so I changed res and showered my roots off before hand,th the cannazym was working great wish I stuck to it

Hps dwc

New Member
View attachment 3330812 View attachment 3330816 So this is my 3rd run with DWC,my past 2 attempts have been pretty much fine apart from some little bugs in my root zone from infected clay pebbles so I got rid of them and started using stones!,However this time around my roots do seem to be rather brownish hard to tell by the pics,there not real bad but there's definitely a hint of brown to them which I have never had....and the first single blade leaf is burnt up or some shit...so here's Wat,

I soaked seeds until tap root showed placed the seeds in root riot cubes,the seeds sprouted on 16th December,one I seen roots from the bottom of the cube I then placed them in 4" wool cubes,

Then on the 31st December the roots where we'll established I placed them in my bubbles with quatre strength nutes p.s they have been given green fuse root stim as seedlings,they are still only on quatre strength as I have no ppm pen and don't want to cause damage in this stage,

Ph.my ph has been a constant 5.8 apart from 1 night I forgot to check my ph after a change over till the next day when my ph had risen back up to 6.8 which may have burnt up them early leafs as seen in the pic,

All in all they just seem to be dragging to say there like a month old,my roots would have normally took off a lot more by this point...can anbody spot and faults?, thanks for reading
Does look to bad. Just keep the temp nice and cool for the roots.