DWC and ebb and flow


Active Member
so ive been doing research and i wanna try to grow my plant with these techniques. i was wondering if it was a good idea to do the veg state of my plants under cfl and dwc and then switch to ebb and flow with an hps light so i can have more vegging while other flower? im on a budget but i really wanna try. what do you guys think. im a newb so please dont flame me. lol thanks.

also what tips would you guys recommend for saving on electricity bills?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Save on electricity??? Uhhh, solar panels? :blsmoke:

You will be better off using 1 kind of hydro system for your plants throughout both veg and flowering. DWC is a passive system, and if you start with that, you will finish with it. The plant will grow into it's system.

Ebb&flow is an active system, so if you are flooding your medium, then you grow that way throughout.

Get started with the CFLs, and you can always improve.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
so could i go with CFLs through the whole process? will i get decent results using CFLs?

and are CFLs for your home and the long tube flourescent lights the same thing?


Well-Known Member
yes u could go with cfls the whole way through but im sure u already kno that if you use a better bulb ull get better results... but yea cfl's will get you through the process... they're great for vegging but when it comes to flowering HPS lights are the way to go but cfls do get the job done... as for the tube flourescents they are the same thing basically really good for vegging.


Active Member
thanks for the response. since im on a budget i think im going to try an aero system that i saw on here with cfls and when i start flowering im going to switch to an hps lamp. this is going to be my first grow and i just wanna see any kind of results. im excited to start. hopefully i will start the project soon. this could easily become a hobby of mine if i see better than expected results!


Well-Known Member
yea growing up ur own ganj is the best.... it definatley beats payin for it... goin through a dealer and all that aint bad tho if u kno what u doin.


Uses the Rollitup profile
thanks for the response. since im on a budget i think im going to try an aero system that i saw on here with cfls and when i start flowering im going to switch to an hps lamp. this is going to be my first grow and i just wanna see any kind of results. im excited to start. hopefully i will start the project soon. this could easily become a hobby of mine if i see better than expected results!

Well, since you put it that way, and if you're really serious about that, then you should grow in soil. Otherwise, you have a smaller chance of seeing anything worth mentioning, and a larger chance of quitting and becoming a permanent customer.

I'd rather see you get some good bud the first time, and continue to improve as a grower.

HTH :mrgreen:
one more question. would it be wise to use cfls for aeroponics? what are the negatives?
Lighting has nothing to do with how you treat the root system. No matter the hydro, aero, or soil system you use the more light the better. If you go cfl's through harvest make sure you cover vegging spectrum(6500k) and flowering spectrum(2700k) with the cfls. Hps is the way to go when you have the funds, but an array of 12 cfls that have a good mix of 6500k and 2700k will grow beautiful plants.


Well-Known Member
personally, id recommend soil aswell to start as it is a little more forgiving and less maintenance
or DWC/Bubbler in a 5 gallon bucket or small rubbermaid container.... they are easier to work with and the simplest forms of hydro i think
-just have to do lots of research about nutes and get a PPM/pH/ec meter to use

and if money is tight... then use individual but you can pick up a 2foot or 4foot t5 light fixture which works great for vegging... i got a 4 foot 8 bulb 6500k HO T5 for 200$ so dont know what you are able to spend

then just get a 250w or so HPS for flower and you can take clones before you flower and get a perpetual system going and never have to buy from someone again

that is my advice :-) save money and stay with soil and buy the important things first... LIGHTING