Heat is just too much off of a HPS unless you wanna invest another bunch of money in a cool hood or summin... With a reflector the (I think they're only 125w) CFL's work very well, I'm using them and look at my nugs lol. but with the smaller CFL's you get a nice spread and can put them where they're needed. Though in all honesty (might be just because I have a thick ass canopy) but your not going to get great penetration from any CFL... If you hang them vertically on either side of the plants that would be your best bet, they're so big they pretty much cover your entire plants height anyways lol.
which reminds me, I need to post some updates before chop down, they'll be here in the next edit if it lets me
RIGHT!!! The moment of truth now that cloud flare has stopped playing up and I can finally post!
I've got 4 huge fucking nugs still on there

but damn trimming wears you out, anyhoo, they're staying there for a couple more days see if I can't not get em to pack on even more weight.
So far I have now pulled about 150g wet plus 15g of popcorn XD and I reckon those 4 or so left will be 150 - 200g in themselves (they're bigger than they look) taking into account an average kind of system lol only to divide the final weight by 3'ish to allow for drying :/ anyhoo enough of my bitching, heres some pics:
Last few nugs left:

I think I keep eating pistols stuck to my fingers cos they're transferring to my biscuits :s