I'll stick my oar in the water.
If you want dead simple just a Rubbermaid tote, dual outlet aquarium pump and a couple 12" airstones. Drill holes under the handle just a tiny bit smaller than the air lines so the fit snug. I slice the end of the line at a bit of an angle, apply a little spit and then cut it flush once it's through. A hot nail would work as well. Tungsten one preferably.
Rent a hole saw at a tool rental place if there's one around, (run it backwards so it doesn't bite in too hard and ruin the circle), or mark out the hole with a compass then carefully cut out with a box cutter or other sharp instrument. A thinner blade works best. The Rubbermaid plastic is softer than most so not that hard to cut.
Cut an inspection hole about 2" across. Doesn't have to be round but I have a set of smaller hole saws so use one of those. Use a drill pump or something that will suck water to drain the tub thru the hole and add water and/or nutrients and take samples from there. No holes below the water line means no leaks ever. The shorter tubs hold 35L/9USG and the taller ones hold 50L/13.5USG. The lids are the same size. I'll veg in the shorter one then when they get big and ready to flower have a tall tub loaded with fresh nutes and airstones then just switch the lid over.
If you want to keep it as simple as possible then get Advanced Nutrients 3-part pH Perfect nutes and use RO water for nearly foolproof operation. Same price as most other 3-part nutes and the ones I've been using for 16 years. The money you save on not buying a pH pen will buy a nice can of Big Bud powder for flowering time. I hate to grow without it. I also use Rhino Skin but it doesn't have to be used for big colas. Any old CalMag will do but don't use a lot. I load a fresh tub with a half dose Then just a bit here and there as the grow goes on as I only change nutes once per grow. A dash of Epsom salts maybe but that's dirt cheap at the drug store. Do get a ppm pen tho to know how strong the nutes are. 300ppm for clones, 500 once they have a few nodes then gradually work up to 750 - 1000 depending on strain, RH etc. Some guys go a lot higher than that tho that's pushing it and knowing what you are doing.
Keep peroxide handy in case root rot tries to get hold. I've never used any hydroguard or 'zyme type products and only had rot twice in 16 years that I beat with peroxide both times with little damage to the plants. Health food stores usually carry 29 or 35% food grade and that's what you want.
I like HID lights but there's lots of choices out there so look around. If you are going to get a tent to grow in then I'd get one of the cheapo package deals online that come with everything you need but the tubs and plants. I'd also go with the HID lights as the LEDs that come with those cheap deals won't do a decent job and I'm pretty sure the LED guys would agree with most of what's offered. More money will get you a better light tho. 600W HPS will flower out a 4x4 tent real nice. Do up your tub/s a proper ScroG style and you could pull a pound out of 2 plants with more than half a pound of sugar trim and popcorn buds to make hash, oil etc with.
You can run 2 plants in one tub or use two tubs if different strains. I had16 plants in this tub but it's a jungle.
Good luck with whatever you decide on and Merry Xmas!