DWC/Cabinet/CFL/Iceprobe Grow

Nice grow man. I've been looking at those ice probes for some time, but I wasn't sure how well they'd work. They're ~$100 right? What size res do you have?
Hi Cab,
Yea, grows lookin good, I gotta look into the ice probe thing. This nano chiller I bought is not going to cut it this summer.
One thing you can do to lower temps is to run your lights at night. I run mine from 8pm to 8am it keeps the cab about 10° cooler

When the girls get to about week 5 of flower keep an eye on the humidity for the rest of the grow. You don't want moldy buds.

Thanks Cruzer, that's a great tip, we may just have to use that one!
Thanks Mr.Smiley, it's going to be tight near the end, but we have another trick up our sleeves.

Hey Dense, the one we bought came out to $250 Cdn (we needed to get the control unit too). It was a little bit of an investment but it was worth it.

Oh, and our res is 8 gallons of liquid, in a 12(?) gallon rubbermaid container.
WOOT!! Go Black Hawks!!

Today we are taking the plunge. We will be cutting out the shelf inside the cabinet and lowering the tub down about 16 inches. We will be needing the space in the top for the rest of flowering. We will be changing the res today as well and have opted to go with B vitamins and flowering nutes only until the last 4 weeks. After that we will give 2 weeks of bud swelling product and then 2 weeks of just water.

I will be taking lots of pics, I will post some later today.
Ok heres the latest info from our cabinet.

We cut the bottom out of the cabinet and dropped the res about 18 inches. We changed out the res to just bloom nutes and vitamins.

Some of these pics look awesome!! You can really see the improvement to the bud sites!! Thank you Bud Ignitor from Advanced Nutrients!! That was money well spent!!

We also installed a home made CO2 system but I forgot to get pics!!

Hope everyone enjoys these pics and I would love any suggestions or comments from anyone. We are very proud of our progress considering this is our first attempt!!




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damn nice job indeed! I did the same with my res, cut a hole on the bottom shelf and it gave me a few inches of valuable room. Your setup is looking really good. the extra height will come in handy.

Your plants are looking really good, I agree nice white roots. Keep up the good work!

Hey dude just checked out your thread, looks like your doing a fine job! Its a good idea to put your res. tub low as poss, which you have now done.. optimising maximum use of your grow space :) if you need a hand with anything etc just give me a shout n I'll help ya as best as poss. :) but looks like all well, so I tip my hat to you and wish you good luck ... so far so good :) - STELTHY
Cab, Nice job bro. We need our own group seems to be allot of stealth cab grows goin on. Them are some healthy lookin girls congrats. We r like 4 days apart in flowering and that smaller plant sure reminds me of my girl. Your kush guess is got to be at least in the ballpark. I wish I would have vegged as long as you did. You'll probably double my yield. Keep up the good work and now you stealthy as back up you're all set. Peace
I had to go back and get some more pictures of the ladies plus the clones(the mothers).

We took 2 from Crystal and 1 from Candi. These will be the mothers so we have a constant supply of good clones.

There is a couple of pics of the girls from this morning. Upon great advice we are moving the ON cycle FROM 8 am on - 8 pm off TO 8 pm on - 8 am off. We have set the timer to change the cycle by 2 hrs per day. Essentially they get 2 hrs a day less light for 6 days. By the time Saturday roles around they will be on the new schedule. We are doing this to try and stay on top of heat issues we might encounter during the summer months.

Hope you like the pics :)

Chain...I agree I think we need our own area!! I think Stelthy and a few others like u could really help others interested in growing in cabinets!! or small spaces.

Thank you to every one for all the help and encouragement along the way!! I have learned so much information from this site and all the people willing to share helpful insight. I look forward every day to see the progress we are all making on our projects!



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Nice job with your project so far. Good work on lowering your reservoir, I did the same thing when I switched away from 5 gallon buckets. I searched long and hard before I found a really great "reservoir" from target, 36" long 16" wide, 12" deep, and it's really come in handy (holds 15 gallons nicely and works well with the ice probe). Keep up the good work!
Also, I second the idea about starting a cab growers section; some of the most interesting designs/best buds I've seen come from closet grows...the personal attention given to the plants makes all the difference!
:) I agree we should have a section dedicated to Stealth Cab Grower's I find cabs a lot of fun.. Each one I've seen is different in its own way, some of the methods are really cool, Maybe we could collectively suggest A Cab section to the sites advocate/ Editor etc..?? My 'Stealth Cupboard' is coming along fine but I still have alot to do to make it nigh on perfect :) anyways.. good luck with the flowering cycle have you got Co2 at all this can really make a difference I'll check in again sometime soon, peace - STELTHY
Oh I just re-read this page and 'yes' you are using Co2 :) I'd like to see some pic's, how long do you run it for? do you make sure both your fans are off when you run it, you need to cover up any potential gaps (inc. fans, a shower cap or 2 can help here :)) -where the gas can leak out to contain a decent balance of Co2 and o2, I suggest half hour to an hours use, every time the lights 1st turn on at the beginning of you light cycles each day.. how much C02 is right for you grow area is dependable, but there is a website that depicts what is right.. its called 'Co2 calculater' and will give you the right volume to use, hope all is well - STELTHY
So should I get that probe for my 4 qt res?

Hey 4 quarts is kinda small...It would work but I think the investment is probably worth trying a larger res. I think the probe will work for 25 gallons or more! Its about 300$ Canadian once you buy the controller for it.
I would not use it personally for more than 10 gallons as it would have to work too hard.
Hope this helps !
Oh I just re-read this page and 'yes' you are using Co2 :) I'd like to see some pic's, how long do you run it for? do you make sure both your fans are off when you run it, you need to cover up any potential gaps (inc. fans, a shower cap or 2 can help here :)) -where the gas can leak out to contain a decent balance of Co2 and o2, I suggest half hour to an hours use, every time the lights 1st turn on at the beginning of you light cycles each day.. how much C02 is right for you grow area is dependable, but there is a website that depicts what is right.. its called 'Co2 calculater' and will give you the right volume to use, hope all is well - STELTHY

Heyas Stelthy!

I am of course interested in getting a forum for just Small grow areas etc... I think that might be the trouble though...Where do you draw the line on what Qualifies as a" Cabinet Grow" or whatever they call it??
HA LOL!! The CO2 system is just a simple 2L Pop bottle yeast and sugar contraption!! We have very limited $ left to invest so Obviously a real system is not affordable!! We just figured we would try it out...worst case scenario it doesn't do anything, we only invested like 5 bucks!!
I would love to see the system you use, I will have to go back and check your threads for pics...I don't recall you had a system for that....but i'm probably just trippin!!
Your Idea for Co2 use sounds bang on though!!
Wish we had the $$ for that improvement!!! Hopefully on the next set of improvements!

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions!!


I'd recommend the iceprobe for 10-20 gallons. I've insulated my reservoir, and it doubles the effectiveness; I suggest you try it out sometime. I can't wait to see how your crop turns out!