The problem with growing from seed is that they aren't going to flower until they become sexually mature. I'm worried they will get to large for your area by that unless you cut them way back. Just something to consider if you weren't already aware
You realize you can flip from seed its not natural but it works.

You can train a plant to do a lot if you make it lol
Ok i just re looked at your pics

If you want it to grow even id just tuck the leaves for now only pull them when you really need to

Just pinch the taller parts and the rest will start to catch up

Bend snap twist what ever you gota do to get the result you want :)

Ill be watching
You realize you can flip from seed its not natural but it works.

You can train a plant to do a lot if you make it lol

You can but the flowering isn't going to immediately take place. You will however trigger it to flower at its earliest potential, which is about 3 weeks minimum.

But I hear you on what you can do to plants. If there was a plant protective services, mine would certainly be in foster care. lol
No i subscribe to the stress free method of letting the plants mature to sexual age as well

But he has size restrictions so he has to do what he has to do

They wont mind short veg too much

But i agree it is better to let them show sex first :)
My plan was to veg light them until week 4 water change, during week 4 I had planned on turning on the flower side of the light too, then at the water change of week 5 I figured I'd run bloom light only until they finished.

I have read that in these boxes you could run 24/7 both switches. But I figured on a 9 week cycle I could get a few zips out of it on the trial run. The hardest part of all of this is not giving into temptation and opening the box to take a peek at them all the time lol. I have a soil plant too that I put the seed in on December 15th. I went into it blindly and have literally just put water in it every other day. Here's what she looks like.
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Again I don't know what strain it is as I wan't smart enough to label them as I got them.
I'll be changing my DWC fluids today and posting the progress. But here's a snap shot of my amature soil grow. Like I said, just water every other day. Planted 2 months ago and here it is. It's 2 different strains by the looks of it because one is shooting up on the left and getting tall. Also has a lot of branch offs. The other (on the right) is short and is practically vertical.
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Week 3 is in the books and now on to week 4. So far the grow is very impressive (IMO being my first attempt). They are about 9 inches tall with some reaching faster then others. It's interesting to see how they grow to fight for the light.

I have put in 2.5 gal and added 45ml of part A&B of the Green RX grow, and I put in 15ml of the Bulk additive. I also (maybe too aggressively) trimmed the fol. I did it to my soil plant and it didn't have any issues. In fact I think doing it to them shocked them into flowering (as seen in the above post). I have also switched on the bloom side of the light. Now both sides are on (grow and bloom) I figure I will switch to bloom only in 2 weeks (in time for week 6)

I also installed a larger air pump. One for a 40-60 gal fish tank with 2 outlets. It is about twice the strength of the previous one. The air is flowing much better. I had to detangle the roots though, they wrapped around my air stones. Maybe in an effort to get more air (which prompted me to buy the bigger pump). So enough with all of that, I'm sure you guys wanna see the photos more. Strains are still unknown if you're a first time visitor.

One question maybe some might be able to answer. If it's say 4 different strains. Does that mean they will cross pol or mutate?

For your viewing pleasure.
20180127_093531.jpg January 27th 2018 (to give you an idea of the growth I've had)
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After my trim. I rotated the tray too bringing those who were closest to the wall now by the door.

Bring on the comments and knowledge!
Does this look like it's starting to flower at less then 40 days? Do they really grow this rapidly with this method of growing? Maybe I'm just that lit and shouldn't be gardening at this moment lol. It didn't have this two days ago when I did my weekly water/nutes change.
Well week 4 has been interesting. These gals are growing like weeds... lol funny how you can say that sometimes. So still feeding them on the heavy side. Green RX Solutions grow a/b @ 45ml per 2.5 gal of RO water plus 15ml of bulk to kick them into overdrive like a fat kid chasing the ice cream truck.

They went through almost 2 gallons of water this week, the bucket is full of roots all meshed together. I forgot to take a picture of the roots. If you'd like to see them let me know and I'll post up a picture.

I did do some heavy trimming and topped the 4 tall ones. I made a top line 28 inches from the top of my container. Trying to keep them at least 6-8 inches from the light. I've switched over to bloom light only but I didn't adjust the time sets. I'm thinking I'll veg this week and next week when I change nutes I'll move them to 12/12.

Here's some green shots (no lights on)
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And what would be a grow journal post without some blossoms? I've sorta inserted my soil grow into this one too since they look sexy. I'm hoping the ones in the box do this but at a much more rapid rate.
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This box is a beauty.
Hey, how did the harvest go !?
I'm curious about what came after the last post because you had so many plants in the box.
Did you have to take some out ?