DWC Foliar Feeding


Well-Known Member
i personally don't folliar feed my plants,but many do..i believe they only do it during veg.

you never wanna spray your buds with anything..it can cause mold,and can create a host of problems.


New Member
Thats kinda what I thought and then it occurred to me they get rained on outside so mayne you were supposed to foliar spray. I habe been not foliar feeding and not watering my hydroton rockwool medium.


Well-Known Member
Do you spray your buds and leaves with water? What do you put in the water, and when/how often do you spray?
Malevolance: that's a tricky one, almost everyone is going to have something to say about that one. Personally I don't because I was warned about mold forming and you might want to consult some of these sources:
1. Read: SeeMoreBud’s, “MARIJUANA BUDS FOR LESS- GROW 8 OZ. OF BUDS FOR LESS THAN $100.” It’s a must for beginning dirt gardeners especially those using CFL’s.
2. You might also want to read: Mc McCarthy’s, “GROWING MARIJUANA.” It’s another good text for dirt gardeners.
3. Read: Jorge Cervantes’s, “MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE THE INDOOR/ OUTDOOR MEDICAL GROWER’S BIBLE.” It’s great for both dirt and hydro.
4. Read: Ed Rosenthal’s, “MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOK.” It’s very complete.
5. “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE- SECOND EDITION,” written by Greg Green, is easily a match, if not better than the ones listed above.
6. You should also subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES,” magazine. Each issue is full of useful information and excellent photography.
7. You might also want to subscribe to www.gardenandgreenhouse.net. It’s free and they offer a monthly news letter that always has a lot of good information, especially for newbies.
8. A lot of local hydroponics stores offer free weekend gardening classes. Admittedly they offer these classes as a means of boosting sales but they also present some good information and they’re frequently taught by experienced gardeners.
All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. Doing your homework before you start to grow by consulting these resources will save you and your plants a lot of stress. These forums are great but often they’re the blind leading the blind and when you do get it from a knowledgeable source they frequently can’t get the information you need to you in a timely fashion. I sincerely hope this helps. HSA


I misted my first grow...a DWC during veg.... my room temps were high and humidity low, so I kept'em misted. like anytime my humidity was less than 25% and the leaves were dry, i'd spray them.
not sure what difference it made to be honest.... besides my piece of mind.
i can tell you it did no damage to mine. i did spray a tiny bit during flowering.... but after reading a whole bunch of "stuff" i was afraid, so I kept it to a minimum.
i used plain r/o water.


I misted my first grow...a DWC during veg.... my room temps were high and humidity low, so I kept'em misted. like anytime my humidity was less than 25% and the leaves were dry, i'd spray them.
not sure what difference it made to be honest.... besides my piece of mind.
i can tell you it did no damage to mine. i did spray a tiny bit during flowering.... but after reading a whole bunch of "stuff" i was afraid, so I kept it to a minimum.
i used plain r/o water.
btw.... i do not foliar spray anymore, my dwc or soil...... less i see super low humidity,
but thats just me
I feel like foliar feeding my plants can be beneficial based on the growers perspective of the plant's nutritional needs. I foliar feed my plants every week in veg and in flower. When in veg i foliar spray with Liquid Light & Saturator, I do the same with flower. I like using it because it's intended to be used when your lights are on. Liquid light is the shit!!! I also like using Magic Green from House and Garden. I think that if the grower as adequate ventilation, with regards to proper air flow, foliar spraying can have REALLY GOOD RESULTS!!

what do you guys think ?


Well-Known Member
I feel like foliar feeding my plants can be beneficial based on the growers perspective of the plant's nutritional needs. I foliar feed my plants every week in veg and in flower. When in veg i foliar spray with Liquid Light & Saturator, I do the same with flower. I like using it because it's intended to be used when your lights are on. Liquid light is the shit!!! I also like using Magic Green from House and Garden. I think that if the grower as adequate ventilation, with regards to proper air flow, foliar spraying can have REALLY GOOD RESULTS!!

what do you guys think ?
I spray mine at least twice a week with a light neem mix one time and a light Fox Farm Big Bloom the nest. I give them a good soaking just before lights out and 12 hours later when the lights come back on everything is dry. I have lots of air circulation and a dry basement never had a problem and I think the plants love it when it rains every few days.LOL


New Member
I'm not worried about mold; my humidity is a little low at around 38-44 lately (in veg though), and I have good ventilation. I guess mainly I'm getting at... does spraying nutes or some kind of additives help veg/grow faster, or harder/bigger/fancier nugs? I'm guessing no... but my wife asked why I never spray the plants, and I was like... I don't know...

Maybe misting the plants with low ppm bloom booster and r/o during hot dry periods are good for them for all I know. I won't be risking misting buds until I learn more about the pros/cons though.


New Member
How often do you foliar spray, when during the photoperiod is the best time to do it (early morning?), and is it done all throughout veg and bloom up until flush/havest?


Well-Known Member
LL can be used once cuttings have formed a root base and are beginning to grow. Half strength the first spray. It can be used up until about 3-4 weeks into flower IF you have excellent air flow among your plants. It's not used beyond that because you want the plant to be committed to bud production, whereas LL encourages leafy growth. I spray once a week anytime during lights on, though you want to raise the light or switch to secondary florescent lighting until the plants dry. Be sure to use 0ppm water for the mix. LL + Saturator is one of the few "Oh wow" products and gives results shortly after the first application. The leaves may appear to droop for an hour or so after spraying but then they will be reaching toward the light. Growth will be noticeably faster provided the plant has all it's needs available.