DWC for beginners

Thanks bori bro..... Dude i asked ur opinion on a strain in my pink grow thread. Lol u were right the bananas are most likely to be some type of poison cross strain (sativa ) lol. Was told they were poison but the source was very well u know.....

what do u mean like what do i think what kinda strain it is?
if so its pink indica for sure? is that the question?
LOL no bro i was blazed when i asked u that question.....entirely dif thread and post i guess we were talking about strains and u pretty much nailed it on the head. We were talking about possible strains for a diferent grow of mine...and after research and many pics to cross from the closest thing i can find would be durban poison and it turns out that its 100 percent sativa. Very fruity and sweet. + reps again lol
And ur prolly right about the pink indica to lol
ohh yea thanks dude man i love sativas they have flavor and color most indicas do to but sativas just have that sweetness its alot less harsh then indica like air poped popcorn rather then hevy indica but i love em both im looking for something blue in color or red for my next grow
Hi Leggo,

I've been watching your grow since 10/28... that's when I germinated my first seeds. I've encountered some stunted growth too - due to ph problems & too cold of temps so I think I'm following in your footsteps. Thank you for continuing to post about your issues and your pics. I'd love to try a hydroponic grow next!

I've pulled up a permanent seat:)
Hi Leggo,

I've been watching your grow since 10/28... that's when I germinated my first seeds. I've encountered some stunted growth too - due to ph problems & too cold of temps so I think I'm following in your footsteps. Thank you for continuing to post about your issues and your pics. I'd love to try a hydroponic grow next!

I've pulled up a permanent seat:)

Thanks, but do you mean me??? Because this isn't my thread/journal? :-/
Leggo bro i think Hes talking about ur grow dude.....thats awesome. Verde The best grow u could possibly have would be in hydro, dwc is just the easiest.... Just soak up all the info that u can..
Anyone can grow this style...If you follow a few simple guidelines these pros pass down and make them a manuel or bible to ur grow.

Good luck man.
Alright posted this in my current grow project thread and thought it may be more usefull here.... Im going to track this everyday and then put together a step by step pictorial on transplanting to DWC. Hope it helps...

OK Just got done taking 2 cuttings ( 2 lower stems about 4-5 inches long ). Took these cuttings from plant of what i was told was durban poison and what i believe after researching pix on the internet...

Im cloning these cuttings simply by cutting the bottom of the stem @ a 45 degree angle, lightly scraping off the bottom 1/2 inch outer "skin" lol.... This time im dipping 1 cutting in superthrive and one cutting in rooting compound from dro sto...Only to try to ensure these things take cuz im out of seeds lol, and want to see which works better!

After I cut,scraped and dipped I placed the cuttings in a cup with a half inch of plain tap water and into my veg spot in the corner under an old cool blue aquatic strip light i had laying around, also in indirect cfl lighting as well.
I will change the water out every day with my tool also pitured below just another dro sto gadget that i put a lil tube on the end of so i dont have to bother the clones or move um.

I dont usually dip cuttings in anything and have had them develope root bumps within 2 days so we shall see how this works. The last time i dipped i think it prolonged root structure growth.

Anyhow its sunday im going to track this daily.
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so i'm starting as a newbie.. i used some face scrubbers from the girl friends beauty products. there is also gourds that can be dried out and the inside of them look like sponges and they remind me of these scrubbers i used. all natural fiber out of gourds for my rock wool. i started the seedlings and after they were about 6 inches tall i then placed them in my net pot and covered them up leaving some main stem showing. the bubbles are going and the small thin stalked plants look wonderful. it has been 5 days and one of the plants turn down and just lays down on the grow media. it still has a lot of vibrant colors in it and looks alive. why do they fall over and how do i remedy this problem? i'm using mirical grow patio , epson salts , and no oxygen pills but the fish tank pump instead.
so i'm starting as a newbie.. i used some face scrubbers from the girl friends beauty products. there is also gourds that can be dried out and the inside of them look like sponges and they remind me of these scrubbers i used. all natural fiber out of gourds for my rock wool. i started the seedlings and after they were about 6 inches tall i then placed them in my net pot and covered them up leaving some main stem showing. the bubbles are going and the small thin stalked plants look wonderful. it has been 5 days and one of the plants turn down and just lays down on the grow media. it still has a lot of vibrant colors in it and looks alive. why do they fall over and how do i remedy this problem? i'm using mirical grow patio , epson salts , and no oxygen pills but the fish tank pump instead.

Bro what did u cover them with?M/G soil? I need to know more about ur grow as far as if ur in dwc..ur medium, and ur water level.
Alright posted this in my current grow project thread and thought it may be more usefull here.... Im going to track this everyday and then put together a step by step pictorial on transplanting to DWC. Hope it helps...

OK Just got done taking 2 cuttings ( 2 lower stems about 4-5 inches long ). Took these cuttings from plant of what i was told was durban poison and what i believe after researching pix on the internet...

Im cloning these cuttings simply by cutting the bottom of the stem @ a 45 degree angle, lightly scraping off the bottom 1/2 inch outer "skin" lol.... This time im dipping 1 cutting in superthrive and one cutting in rooting compound from dro sto...Only to try to ensure these things take cuz im out of seeds lol, and want to see which works better!

After I cut,scraped and dipped I placed the cuttings in a cup with a half inch of plain tap water and into my veg spot in the corner under an old cool blue aquatic strip light i had laying around, also in indirect cfl lighting as well.
I will change the water out every day with my tool also pitured below just another dro sto gadget that i put a lil tube on the end of so i dont have to bother the clones or move um.

I dont usually dip cuttings in anything and have had them develope root bumps within 2 days so we shall see how this works. The last time i dipped i think it prolonged root structure growth.

Anyhow its sunday im going to track this daily.
Attached Thumbnails


Cloning in a cup of water has to be the simpleist way to clone for people in stealth (sufficient enuff to keep any 4-5 plant system stuffed) DWC systems.
I am pleased to say that both clones have began root develpoement (Cutting dipped in superthrive cloned 2 days b4 cutting in rooting compound)and are ready to be transplanted into there pots and into a bucket!
At this point all im going to do is place the clones gently into a pot with a one inch buffer of hydroton in the bottom of the pot.Place cutting stalk directly on top of the hydroton and gently pour hydroton to fill pot up the rest of the way.
I am going to place the pot in the bucket with the water level directly below the bottom of the pot and in 3 days should have roots in the water solution at which time i will put them on 1/4 strength nuts and another week and a half from then i should be placing them in flower to grow more colas!
Hope this can be usefull to folks that want to continue to flower buds and do away with males and seeds altogether.
Heres some updated pix of the clones.. I will track the progress of these clones and try to give step by step instructions of the process to that point.
Hope this helps:


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i have a bucket with a net pot. i'm using hydroton rock as media. my water level is about 1 inch below net pot.i have a small 10 to 30 gal areator from walmart. the plants just seemed to wilt over. i thought it was the new flourescent screw in type lamp bulbs. so i ordered a red and blue spectrum led grow light that has 225 led bulbs. they stayed green for a time but it was almost like the stems got soft as they looked sorta like they were getiing spungy looking and collapsed or better visual picture them flattening out.
i have a bucket with a net pot. i'm using hydroton rock as media. my water level is about 1 inch below net pot.i have a small 10 to 30 gal areator from walmart. the plants just seemed to wilt over. i thought it was the new flourescent screw in type lamp bulbs. so i ordered a red and blue spectrum led grow light that has 225 led bulbs. they stayed green for a time but it was almost like the stems got soft as they looked sorta like they were getiing spungy looking and collapsed or better visual picture them flattening out.

UR problem is lighting....

Please check out the following threads i post to get a better understanding of what u need...Basic and inexpensive honestly thats where u want to be at...READ and REread them, soak up everything u can and after u do that..figure out whats best for u..


so what r u saying man it is the light. is there any threads that talk led? i live where lights r how the grow op is detected. as they use heat signature imaging and r pretty good at locating grow ops with them. i mean if one house i hotter than those around it then something is wrong as they r all exposed to same elements. so is it the heat or the actual light spectrum that is what makes these things grow and flower?
Im saying just toss those leds in the garbage or try to bring them back for a refund man..

Its the number of watts u can fit into a sqaure foot without making ur op detectible by adding proper ventilation..grow room cooling and By utilizing light output X spectrum bro..
well now i feel violated by that company who sold me this light.so your saying those freekin :fire: corrupted my mind and sent me out in left field. is there a thread on the led lights any where. who has used led's and where is a thread on them? thank you man for giving me this help. so i want to know for one bucket system and my closet is 3 feet x 4 feet and is 8 feet high what light bulb can i use. i want to go red neck dirt cheap for now. so i want to use a common house screw in light socket. is this possable?
Hey guys, I posted this in another thread, but was told that it didn't belong there and I should post it somewhere else. Apparently my previous posting wasn't welcome under the SoG thread that exists already because my SoG is set up uses DWC and not Eb and Flow, so apparently I needed to find another thread. I tried reposting this on its own, but noone paid any attention to it and I got no answers, so decided to repost it here and see what happens.

Anyone care to take a minute and look at my set up and critique it? I could use any pointers from an experienced pro.

Heres the repost:
Hi guys!

Sorry for the wall of text, but Im trying to give all the information needed to answer my questions:

So I'm moving into my new house in 2 weeks, and its got this awesome invisible room already built right into it, complete with a hidden / secret room with a hidden/secret security door. When I saw it, I immediately thought "GROW ROOOOOOM!!!" and did a little dance inside! Its seriously large enough to replicate AL B Fucts grow in its entirety too, roughly 18 feet long and 15 feet wide, with a large walk in closet in the back, which is also almost hidden as well. I swear its almost a secret room inside a secret room.

My wife however, wasn't so thrilled about a grow room. After much discussion, a lot of whining on my part, and a couple of fights, it was decided. I can use the walk in closet in the room to build grow boxes out of a couple of armoirs, as long as they look stealth as hell, and stash them in the closet of the hidden room.

We all know how the wife always wins too, so thats what I get to play with. 2 Armoires, and frankly, Im glad to have that, and surprised as hell I actually got it.

Now Ive already built the first one, labled Set A below, and set up a couple of plants to practice cloning on, until I got it right. I am reliably able to clone now, and so, on the cusp of my move, am about to get ready to grab another armoire off of craigslist and build out my flower box.

I have established control of the temperature and humidity in the A box, and expect to be able to get pretty close to the temps in Set B when its built. (I experimented with the first armoire and the HPS to make sure it would work temperature-wise before I started.)

I am growing a strain from Nirvana called Supergirl, and after running a couple of test plants, have established she will get 1 meter tall at 2 months Veg, and be bushy as hell. I have not flowered any as of yet. This plant was designed to grow very short, be very bushy, and yield high in a hydroponic environment. Here is the link: http://www.nirvana-shop.com/supergirl-seeds-p-170.html

My goal is to be able to harvest around an ounce per plant (roughly), for 6 ounces total, once a month, SoG style. I built RubberMade Reservoirs with 6 3" Net Pots in the tops of them to DWC grow 6 plants per Reservoir.

I smoke about an ounce a week, so I figure that gives me a little room, and I can dump excess buds off to my grand mother in law whos battling cancer, and who just started smoking to combat chemo therapy nausia.

Id like you experienced cats to take a look at my little Paint drawing here if you would please, and offer me any tips or advice you might have. I am a Marine Biologist who works in a lab for a living, so Im sort of obsessed with perfecting my process, and have my PH, Lights, and TDS in order.

Thanks in advance for your help.


1) Should I Scrog my flowers or Lollipop?
2) Can I take the bottom 1/3 of plants from my Veg stage (5) and trim them off and use them as clones (3) on the day I move stage (5) to stage (6)?
3) If I can clone a plant from (5), can I then use one of those clones as a new mother when the old one is ready to get dumped into the flower room? How long can this be done?
4) Any problem alternating strains every time I send a new batch of clones down the conveyor belt?
5) Whats the potential harvest in this set up? Am I going to meet my target of 1 ounce per plant if I practice hard and stay dedicated?


But really... looks great! Good illustration... One thing I'm don't know, what are the dimensions of these boxes? How tall? Sorry if I just missed that part...

I'm not sure if you have much room for mom up there... :-/

Sounds like you're cloning plans can work... I've never heard anything about cloning too much, as long as you have adequate veg time in between.

Should be fine alternating strains as long as you do consider somewhat about different heights, because there may be times when you may want to leave a couple plants 'behind' to do a little more growing/catch up and may unbalance the canopy??

I think you'll do more than 1 zip/ per plant... DL told me 12" veg to 2-3' Flower (if topped) will give him 2 ounces /plant... think you're good.

By the way, I am a newbie, and in my first grow... though I do my good bit of research, don't mistake my advice for age-old and wise LOL
i have been cornfused after looking at hid's and mh's in the lighting subject. is there one out there that dont need ballast or is this necessary? i want to go red neck dirt cheap as possable for a grow. is it possable to do it this way and not have indiana ditch weed?
and can you direct me to a good source to purchase these lights?