dwc foxfarm nutrients with h202???


hello guys i am new to riu and growing . i have 2 critical & 1 amnesia 3 weeks old & i am having issues with my roots.
My set up
3 plants --each in own 5 gal bucket
2 $10 walmart air pump (it says 60 gallon pump)
& 200 watts hps


feeding only fox farm grow big hydroponic at the moment 5ml/gal
but i have the big bloom and tiger bloom

1 week after roots hit water they turned brown and res looked filthy. so i gave them a bath in 3% h202. and added about 20ml h202 in 3 gallon res. evereything seemed fine for a few days then within a blink of an eye it came back.now i dont kno if its root rot or brown slime or wtf to call it . but it comes back so i give the roots another bath in h202 water and rewash and renew the res with nutes and h202.i dont have any light leaks for sure. idk why it keep`s coming back. i am keeping evereything clean. i feel like my plants are getting stunted going threw baths and several res changes.
i want to run a sterile res .i think.
some one shed some light .help me please .
thank you greatly


Well-Known Member
Temp might be fkin you hard. Do you know the temp of the water when the lights are on? It might be advisable to some how block light from the res to minimize the heat and get longer airline tubing to dissipate the heat from the pump or put the pump in a cooler place? I would bleach the bucket, dip the roots again, block light and you should be golden.


Pictures of the roots would help out.
hello joe blow
thank you for your quick response . i will post pic in a minute but i actually just gave them a bath and they seem kinda white now. i hope it never comes back but im sure it will soo ill post pictures of them when they look bad again as well.


Temp might be fkin you hard. Do you know the temp of the water when the lights are on? It might be advisable to some how block light from the res to minimize the heat and get longer airline tubing to dissipate the heat from the pump or put the pump in a cooler place? I would bleach the bucket, dip the roots again, block light and you should be golden.
it is possible but my room temp currently is high 79 low 72.. i assumed the water temp should be 10 degrees cooler shouldnt it?? but yea i think i will be wrapping the bucket and lids in mylar to reflect light/heat.


the one in the middle is amnesia lemon
& both the plants on the sides are critical kush
as you can see the critical on the left is stunted roots growing slow .dont know why . that ones res has always remained clean



theese roots look much better noww after the h202 bath but my problem is it only lasts a few days . ive been cleaning res basicly 3 times a week.


Well-Known Member
root rot for sure. h2o2 is just a bandaid. water temps are probably too high. 68F is optimal.

you have 2 options: sterile res or beneficial bacteria

i prefer sterile. dutchmaster zone is cheap and works great.


root rot for sure. h2o2 is just a bandaid. water temps are probably too high. 68F is optimal.

you have 2 options: sterile res or beneficial bacteria

i prefer sterile. dutchmaster zone is cheap and works great.
i prefer sterile as well but im confused if dutchmaster/hydrogaurd would work with fox farm trio.. its weird but think foxfarm is chemical but it has organic stuff in it too. i do not want to make any tea that requires a bunch of more things to shop for so i would love to find something like dutchmaster zone or hydrogaurd but i want to make sure it will work with foxfarm trio.


Well-Known Member
light getting in main reason you are having root rot white and homer buckets won't work take a flash lite and see lids for a dwc are cheap $4 each
black buckets work the best but you can cover every thing up


Active Member
Get rid of any dead roots, sterilize the rez, stones, hoses, etc. Give another peroxide bath and follow up with a microbe tea immediately after bath. Do not add peroxide to res. Come back in a couple days. Doctor's orders.

PS keep up on oxygenation, ph, and res temp... Unless you want this again.

Edit: And definitely go duct tape happy if you have a thin bucket/lid.
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Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
the money you spent on h202, should have went towards new 5 gallon homer buckets from Home depot. no way I would trust those buckets,no matter how many times they were rinsed.

2) tiger bloom is organic with guano and microbes. h202 kills all the good stuff in there. dont use the 2 together.

3) your roots are fine and youre freaking out. also when the time comes, the tiger bloom is the color of baby diarrhea. it colors the roots. also that is pretty strong stuff. take it easy on such small plants


Get rid of any dead roots, sterilize the rez, stones, hoses, etc. Give another peroxide bath and follow up with a microbe tea immediately after bath. Do not add peroxide to res. Come back in a couple days. Doctor's orders.

PS keep up on oxygenation, ph, and res temp... Unless you want this again.
i read everywhere to add h202 to res ,, i am open to your suggestion but can you say why not to???
is there any substitutes for micro brew tea u can suggest me ??something i can buy 1 bottle 1 shot i rlly dont wanna brew stuff


the money you spent on h202, should have went towards new 5 gallon homer buckets from Home depot. no way I would trust those buckets,no matter how many times they were rinsed.

2) tiger bloom is organic with guano and microbes. h202 kills all the good stuff in there. dont use the 2 together.

3) your roots are fine and youre freaking out. also when the time comes, the tiger bloom is the color of baby diarrhea. it colors the roots. also that is pretty strong stuff. take it easy on such small plants
hey thank you for input
1)i shall wrap evereything in mylar tonight
2)i am only using grow big hydro right now --is tiger bloom the only one thats organic?
3) they look fine cuz i just gave them a h202 bath--im not freakin out as much, just tryna fix things

any recomendation on sterile res- solution ?


Terry thats beutifull .. it almost looks more indicaish mine is def more sativa dominant
i got it from barney farm