DWC, G13 X Haze and TGA Vortex. First Grow Ever!

Hey Guys, So this is my first grow and of course my first Journal, So please bare with me. And please I'd love any advice. However I'm posting on day 41 of flower.. I'll post everything from my own personal journal up until this point.

So on my "day 1" I got 6 clones...

2 of them were G13 X Haze that were already about 18" tall

2 were TGA Vortex from F1 seed at 11-14" tall

2 were Jack Herer

I moved them on this day to my home made DWC system using
Ok here are a few pics of the supercropped G13 X Haze,

That was all done under 4 60w house lamps... Then I moved to a closet with a 400W MH/HPS and ScrOGed the 2 G13 X Haze with my best Vortex in the SAME bucket!! (Yeah i realize how big of a mistake that was now..)

THese are DAY 17 from when I got them. DAY 8 OF FLOWER!!!

These are Day 21 actually day 12 of flower now.. I forgot lol.

The front right lady is the Vortex and the Back 2 are the G13 X Haze.



Ok so here they are at Day 17 of FLower.

This is around the day that I realized I had a strain that flowered in 55 days and one that ran 80 :/ !!! I still have yet to decide exactly how to run my nutes and harvest them... More on that later when we catch up with realtime.

Here they are at day 21 FLower... White hairs exploding!

Day 24...


Gotta head out for a bit... More updates later

Oh I guess I've been forgetting to show My nute chart... Its GH 3 part plus Floralicious and KoolBloom (liquid just recently)
These are just some random shots.. This is about when My Vortex started to droop A LOT (the upper fan leaves) but everything else is great!
Ok I realized I was posting a few too many times.. so here is everything else till today.

Day 28


Day 29 Flower


Day 30 Flower


And then I went on Vacation for a few days and when I came back it was..

Day 37 Flower


And I just realized I havent taken any photos since then.. So in the morning I'll put some more up and go back and edit this to make more sense...

Thanks for looking! And all comments welcomed!


Ok here they are as of this morning... I'm bad at taking pics with my phone, and the lights were coming on so it was a constant adjustment.. But the Vortex really seem to be getting some orange hairs!
Hey thanks man! I'm proud/cant wait to fix a TON of things lol.. its an oddly conflicting feeling. I love riding bikes too! I kinda like to buy/sell em.. been through 5 this year alone...

Since the Vortex will be done in about 12 days and the G13/Haze in 34, I'm thinking I'll only harvest the top of the vortex and re harvest the smaller popcorn buds later (hopefully with the G13XHaze). After the Vortex Harvest I'm going to Hit the remaining plants with Dry Kool Bloom!!! I'm also going to cut most of the popcorn buds that arent getting any light anymore off of one of the G13/Haze's to see if the main colas get noticeably bigger. This should also help with how dense I let things get to begin with...
So i accidentally left the closet (60w with foggy glass cover) on overnight!! I'm worried.... But I've read up online and it seems I'm maybe ok. There did not seem to be much development in the buds overnight either, nor did they drink any water.. However I also found out the PH is near 5.0 from me upping my phosphorus...
So the buds seemed to be swelling ALOT and had some crispy lookin edges.... so i knocked off the top half of a semi broken bud and sliced it open and found VERY TINY SEEDS!!!! So small in fact at first I wasnt sure they were seeds so I got an even fatter bud and it had what seemed more like a seed.. and some empty seed husk lookin things but SMALL I could barely see with my naked eye and the microscope helped alot.. Anyway I smoked a bowl to see how it is and its a very nice heady high, however Halfway through my green hit I saw what was def a seed burning the way they do in the middle (still tiny).. I'm thinking I'll be harvesting Tomorrow.

Its weird though, the plant doesnt seem to be hermie.. I mean the sex still looks female.. Maybe a nearby grow with a male got into the mix? I do use an open window in an adjacent room for cooling sometimes..

at least like 4% trichs are amberish.. and at least 60% are cloudy
Lol I should come back and update this with pics.. It wasn't a bad result at all..

I ended up finding 3 seeds in 9 OZ's that I pulled.. I progressive harvested the vortex which worked out pretty good!

I've been getting sick reviews on it.. some people say its the best they ever had!! But I cant take much credit.. Most should go to the Geneticists that made it all possible... and the MANY before me that paved the way with knowledge. To Those of you for-mentioned I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Lol yeah.. First one ever.. First plant of any kind really to ever take care of. But Like I said I didn't do anything other than follow directions. I'm running home made CO2 generators on my second grow of all vortex and its at least twice as good as the first...

Thanks for looking!