DWC Grow Bible


Well-Known Member
Prolly Couldnt see as high as EYE B. This came to mind after that. Hostile. Erik sermon and kieth murray somebody should let this one rip in the thread as well. More classic.


Well-Known Member
Anything that may cause stress to a plant may cause a plant to hermie. Interruptions to the lighting schedule can cause stress to ur plants. Ive heard of people growing certain strains claiming any type of light leak at all would cause there plant to hermie. I think its all in the genetics of the plants as to how stressed u can make a plant. But a nice grow up that runs smoothly with minimal interruptions is the best grow OP. I think what the plants really want is consistency in a well maintained grow with the least amount of interruptions. Hope this helps.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Go to Home Depot and buy a GREEN cfl bulb.
I use it when I have to check on them during lights out.
To make a long story short, they can't use the green light spectrum for photosynthesis, therefore they can't be stressed to hermie.
Used them for over 2 yrs now without a single prob. And every grow has been different strains. Never ran the same one twice yet.


Well-Known Member
Good to know FLO seems like u are adapting all kinds of info to ur grows that make sence man. FOR the record these plants are like WEEDS im pretty sure they are weeds. As long as we strive to maintain our GROW OPS as closely as possible to what the pros have established are the best grow environments possible for our plants with like i said little or no interruptions to the concistency u keep them growing at u shouldnt find many to any problems at all with hermies and stress or anything for that matter. Do what the pros say let them rip and reap the rewards. I have often turned the light on once or twice just to look at my plants growing during lights out. Sometimes its just to look and talk dirty to them for a minute well thats most of the time if im not petting them and nibbleing on the fan leaves haha. Point being keep everything in check to the best of ur capabilities and ur plants will love u for it. Hope this helps. Theres only a few grow rules period. After that they pretty much grow themselves. Peace.gl