Hey slow, and net, If you want a sig like mine. Just go to signature, then click advanced, then type in what you want the people to see example - First Hydro Grow, then highlight that and click the button with the pic of earth and a chain. Put the url to your journal in there and it will leave you with the link - in your words...
So what is everyone up to today! For all you LOST fans (Huge LOST fan myself) It's on tonight!!!!!!!
I have been into FRINGE-funny enough its on after my girls show amer idol.
I haven't seen Fringe. I can't stand American Idol.
These are my crack shows. I can't live with out them!
Breaking Bad
Survivor man
Cash cab
Ghost Hunters
Not in that order. Plus the ones highlighted are the best. I'm sure I forgot some but oh well. I am a home body and love my weed and tv!
Breaking bad is the big bulls bolloks! is there a new series?
iv got the first 7 eps n hav had for over a year now. . done ma head in when there was no word
Think iv seen every ep of fringe so far aswell -
Used to be big on dexter but i missed a couple and hate jumping ahead of what could be the best 1 so far ( rarely is , but its a chance im not willing to take)
Survivor man - am i right in thinkin thats the states rename of bear gryls?
dude is a national treasure , hav a look for his attempt to fly over everast with next to nothing.
id actually thought scrubs had went awol untill i seen it on ninja < love that place about as much as here
No NO Bear Gryls is FAKE ! Man Vs Wild. Stop watching that. It sucks! Here. http://www.survivorman.ca/ This is Les Stroud
Scrubs is on its 8th season that JUST STARTED!!
Breaking bad was picked up again and is post production of the next 2 seasons! That should be airing late 09.
So what is everyone up to today! For all you LOST fans (Huge LOST fan myself) It's on tonight!!!!!!!
newst fringe i seen was the big flu slugs mofos - imagine walkin into ur grow space and seeing THOSE badboys