Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
I always knew u were a DWC pimp bro thats kinda wierd.

I think that all members of the club should be given there own sect or maybe even state of which they are responsible for teaching people in the growth of DWC.

I think that misery has earned this first spot. Of being a pot dwc pimp and this day should be remembered


Well-Known Member
lol Thats why you guys are my homies haha

Ill post as often as i can
We are much more than homies sir we are grow club!
ur sharing of ur initial pixels only shows the true meaning of ur dedication to ur grow.
I would fight beside u in war if i had to_Or we could go on a mission for paper.


Well-Known Member
Im going for the world record of bowls to be smoked in a single night.At this point my arms are like air and i couldnt feel my fingers typing a couple hours ago!
I feel like a robot. How many bowls does it take to reach the middle of true bongness thats the question.


Well-Known Member
Bro @ some point I imagine U will be able to only think of ur plants hether in the same room or not and they will respond with pure happiness and stretch there hands out to the lights in obedience.

Which brings me to my next perplexing topic....
Have u ever felt like such a pimp that.Say if u were really a pimp. U could walk into the room of the pimpstress and she would stand straight up knowing u entered the room but never actually seen u enter the room?


Well-Known Member
Bro you must be blown, bcuz your making me think lmao....

Ya but i think the plant felt my presence and wanted to show me some appreciation for taking such good care of her!


Well-Known Member
This was my first all DWC bucket
I used Advanced Nutrients 2 part w/ big bud
first pic was day 41
second pic was day 66
roots are from day 66 when I pulled it
got 344g dried
I wish I had a picture of when I moved it into flower because it was super small for as big as she got.
I'm a DWC true believer now thanks to this lady



Well-Known Member
Yes sir. Now apply that to ur everyday grow practice. Its honestly true. That once in true pimp mode. Anyone that obtains the DWC grow club spirit shall be able to walk into a room and without any words being said. Have Insane heroms of ladies standing ready to be obedient.

With that being said there are also true pimpstresses. Not known in the real world and even thought to be extinct. But they do exhist. Yes a great exhibit for pimps to feast upon but still creatures that should be respected.

The fifith rule of grow club.
Never under estimate a true pimpstress. Although stood up in the presence of a true pimp. They also hold the keys to stand a pimp down.

These are the true golden rules.


Well-Known Member
Daddy is a word of little meaning between pimps and pimpstresses. This is only like a word said how you would say hey babe or hi mama.
Just dont forget the only golden rule, Never underestimate a true pimpstress until u know all the facts lol.
Dude. MISERY. U are a true dwc pimp afterall.


Well-Known Member
This was my first all DWC bucket
I used Advanced Nutrients 2 part w/ big bud
first pic was day 41
second pic was day 66
roots are from day 66 when I pulled it
got 344g dried
I wish I had a picture of when I moved it into flower because it was super small for as big as she got.
I'm a DWC true believer now thanks to this lady

Welcome to the club sir