Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
lol i wish i had some porntang to post.. all my bitches are in veg. They all MILFS too so its gonna be awhile before i got some porn :(


Well-Known Member
hmm.. strange.. no posts the whole sunday? lol

anyways.. quick question for anyone. If these plants are just staying in veg and they will be mothers.. can i trim the shit outta them? They are starting to grope and molest each other.. and not the good kinda porn.



Well-Known Member
thanks guys! Since these are moms.. i will trim them down.. probably 2 cuttings a day or something for clones. The bitches are starting to poke into each other and into the walls.

Another question is.. this being my first grow.. ive never flowered before. I noticed on these bushy moms that the leaves overlapping each other actually has water perspiration on the leaf that was overlapped (covered/shaded)

Since i can trim now.. when im flowering i wont be trimming nothing. So my question to you guys is.. is it normal when your plants are flowering.. and leaves are kinda on top of each other.. that the shade causes this moisture?


Well-Known Member
I have seen it a couple times in my grow.You should be fine,Once you get into flowering you will want to thin them a little and uncover shaded bud sites.Do not butcher it though.


Well-Known Member
Yo, what's up guys! I've updated my journal a couple times since the last time I posted... I got some AutoAK47s flowering now... Check it out and lemme know if I'm doin' good or not... Am I qualified for the club, lol?