Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Damn I can't wait till I have some sticky porn pixels like that.

Till then, check out my babies. The Medusa Clone has taken off since I have been taking better care of it. It even smells better since I have been able to keep an eye on and adjust the PH in my nutrient solution.

The Black Berry seedling is loving life as well.

Here are some shots for ya.

Oh yeah, I got me a new bubbler!



Well-Known Member
Damn I can't wait till I have some sticky porn pixels like that.

Till then, check out my babies. The Medusa Clone has taken off since I have been taking better care of it. It even smells better since I have been able to keep an eye on and adjust the PH in my nutrient solution.

The Black Berry seedling is loving life as well.

Here are some shots for ya.

Oh yeah, I got me a new bubbler!

Nice Bubbler....:-o


Well-Known Member
Does anyone trim there root's? My root's are just massive and I was gonna trim them up alittle but how should I do it and how much should I take off?


Well-Known Member
Healthy and large root system is the key to success.
Get some prozyme to help break down old root growth.
You add it to your res.


Well-Known Member
Whaddup clubber's.. Man im gonna have my new tub functioning by the end of the week. Till then u guys are making me miss my DWC man.
Purps. Been checking man they are looking good.
Trouble.. LOL man just good news to hear u are currently dealing with success issues my friend.
Atrum. Ur a pimp bro.
M whats new haha.
Just checking in man.. Ill have something soon.
Till then ill continue to chill and be envious of all the great stuff going on in here..
Im also gonna be trying some new shit too.


Well-Known Member
Whaddup clubber's.. Man im gonna have my new tub functioning by the end of the week. Till then u guys are making me miss my DWC man.
Purps. Been checking man they are looking good.
Trouble.. LOL man just good news to hear u are currently dealing with success issues my friend.
Atrum. Ur a pimp bro.
M whats new haha.
Just checking in man.. Ill have something soon.
Till then ill continue to chill and be envious of all the great stuff going on in here..
Im also gonna be trying some new shit too.
What da fuck up man DL..thought u were gone for a second there:sad:,,
Thanx for stayin posted:clap:..HURRY BACK!


Well-Known Member
Question for my fellow DWC'rs (particularly if you're familiar with scrog):

When using a simple DWC bubbler as seen in this link (https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/97378-diy-3-gallon-rubbermaid-dwc.html), and using a screen above for scrog...how the heck to you manage rez changes?!:confused:

In my previous grows, rez changes have been easy. I just move the whole unit, take the top off (with plants in net cups attached), put the top in a safe place where roots can hang (an empty rez), and clean/change the rez.

But the screen will prevent me from doing it this way (don't want to pull those colas outta the screen...right?). Likewise, the screen will complicate the removal of the rez as well. That would just leave a bunch of hanging roots and I'd need something to keep the plant hanging securely in the screen.

Anyone doing a dwc simple bubbler (ie. airstones only) with a scrog?

Do you just create a seperate rez to use to swap out when changing (either empty rubbermaid or one filled with nutes to use for 2 weeks at a time) and manhandle the roots while trying to get them into the new rez?

How would you go about this?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Get a small submersible pump with a hose attachment. And cut an extra slot to drop in and pump the res water out. If no room for a work station slot...Im pretty sure u could even just leave a pump in with a hose out let slot and just turn it on when u want to change the res as well.
I love submersible pumps.


Well-Known Member
Get a small submersible pump with a hose attachment. And cut an extra slot to drop in and pump the res water out. If no room for a work station slot...Im pretty sure u could even just leave a pump in with a hose out let slot and just turn it on when u want to change the res as well.
I love submersible pumps.
DL! Long time no run across man!

Thanks for the tip. I haven't done squat with submersible pumps yet but ur advice makes sense. I am partial to physically cleaning rez's (total neatfreak), but I would imagine i shouldnt really have to provided i keep light out to avoid algae issues. Definately would need that water level indicator on the outside though huh?

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
How's it going DL? And thanks for everyone's advise! I am so happy that thing's are finnally going good some what, I went up there today to check PH and saw that I have some spidermites!!! This is bull, I am bombing right now and using some hot shots no pest strips (I was told these thing's work)!

DL- Glad to here you are gonna get it going!


Well-Known Member
How's it going DL? And thanks for everyone's advise! I am so happy that thing's are finnally going good some what, I went up there today to check PH and saw that I have some spidermites!!! This is bull, I am bombing right now and using some hot shots no pest strips (I was told these thing's work)!

DL- Glad to here you are gonna get it going!

Take it from me man. DO NOT let those little fuckers get a foot hold. They took down my last grow, before I had a chance to do shit!


Well-Known Member
Oh I am gonna kill those little bastards!!!!! I have add'd some under lighting to try and get some growth out of the lower half and how long should it take before I see A change? What is the common cause for the lower branch's or should I just say no foliage growth from the lower half? I have been told that it is A lighting diff and also told A nut diff!! I have added A pic so you guys could kind of see what I am talking about! The canopy is being lite by A 400w 65k MH and I have just added 2 100w cfl's for now to the lower canopy (I am sure that is not enough!!!!!)



Well-Known Member
Oh I am gonna kill those little bastards!!!!! I have add'd some under lighting to try and get some growth out of the lower half and how long should it take before I see A change? What is the common cause for the lower branch's or should I just say no foliage growth from the lower half? I have been told that it is A lighting diff and also told A nut diff!! I have added A pic so you guys could kind of see what I am talking about! The canopy is being lite by A 400w 65k MH and I have just added 2 100w cfl's for now to the lower canopy (I am sure that is not enough!!!!!)

As I was saying in a previous post. Even if the plant has all the food it could use, unless it has light, it doesn't have the energy to do anything with that food. So only the parts of the plant that get enough light can trigger photosynthesis.

A common mistake a lot of growers make is they assume that as long as one part of the plant gets full light the rest of the plant is getting all the light it needs.

So, with those few CFLs you added, you should start to see results in a few days.