Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Nice DgT lol gotta make sure I quit getting u and the other Doc mixed up. U have a nice bush going there man
lol hey we all smoke here, it happens, hell i get my kids names mixed up and and ones a boy and ones a girl lol.
keep it green guys and @minz and @kush and everyone else shits is looking fire guys.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
whats up guys so its been about 10 days since the last pics so here is a few more, she looks like she is putting on weight nicely. i had to tie up allot of the lower branches as they where starting to sag a bit and i didnt want them to break in the near future. in the pics you can really start to see the dominate 4 main colas from the topping all about the size in the last pic, going to be nice lol cant wait, dam im so impatient lol.
Looks like it's filling up nicely .. :)
Doc dre


Well-Known Member
I've been running dwc w/ a remote rez for a few grows now. My roots are happy... but I always get some sort of slime build up in the plastic tubing. If I agitate the tube I can dislodge the film that builds up inside. I get this in the rez that is running ZONE, and in the rez that is running BB. (not slime in the rez, but the tubing) Even the tubing that goes into the inline cooler gets the build up. HMMMMM what is it?


Well-Known Member
I've been running dwc w/ a remote rez for a few grows now. My roots are happy... but I always get some sort of slime build up in the plastic tubing. If I agitate the tube I can dislodge the film that builds up inside. I get this in the rez that is running ZONE, and in the rez that is running BB. (not slime in the rez, but the tubing) Even the tubing that goes into the inline cooler gets the build up. HMMMMM what is it?
Are u talking about your air lines? Or your water pump lines? I'm not too familiar with slime really at all I've never seen it in or around my reservoirs knock on wood. But I can say that peeps that end up with slime usually use subcomplex m and b if u have slime and want to get rid of it. But if I was u id definetely get some great white. MYCOS which are beneficial bacteria that help combat the bad bacteria that u don't want in your system. Heisenberg has a thread on how to make your own bennies as well. But I can attest to the use of bennies they keep ur roots healthy and promote good root zone growth as well.
Other than that IDK MAYBE someone else can help more.


Well-Known Member
Everyone looking great....well everyone from 756 and on. haha. drgt always killer shit. Love your stuff. drgd awesome grow, love to see more. Minz, looking great, almost there. And dl, always helping everyone out, Thanks.


Well-Known Member
No prob man ill try to help if I can n if I can't I know someone will be able too. Good to see ya up in the thread Ray great stuff everyones chill here bro everyones got a little something help with that can be beneficial to the next clubbers grow. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I've been running dwc w/ a remote rez for a few grows now. My roots are happy... but I always get some sort of slime build up in the plastic tubing. If I agitate the tube I can dislodge the film that builds up inside. I get this in the rez that is running ZONE, and in the rez that is running BB. (not slime in the rez, but the tubing) Even the tubing that goes into the inline cooler gets the build up. HMMMMM what is it?
burr i too have had that, its more of a slick feel rather than a slime right? in my case it didnt bother anything. i did run a couple applications of h2o2 through but it didnt change so i left it to parinoia. i justified it this way, when the nutes are under pressure they are compressed togeather and when passing through tubing the combination of pressure, friction, material change, etc leaves a small deposit of nutes every time they are cycled causing a slimey like build up in certain materials. the tubing to n from a res gets lots of trafic if tou know what i mean.
im sure nute choice has something to do with it too. im using the botanicare line n i do now use great white but dudnt when i noticed the slimmy feel. different systen so dont know.
just me rambling guys sorry but see if anyone can make sense of this thought process


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I'll be trying to stay away from growing monsters like your BBW. Going to try to keep about 3 smaller plants flowering at all times.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
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Wk 3 flower
One of my 90ltrs died of what i dont know im down two plants ,im just glad ther were the smallest ones in there. ill put it down to the stress from the move or something. anyway not that much happening at the moment buds arew just starting to take shape . Rooms starting to smell strong already..
Dr green dre:peace: