Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
nothing negative here either man. Hey I give you a lot of respect. It takes a lot of balls to go out and do something you really want and need for yourself no matter what anybody says. Jeez some days I wish i could move away from all the craziness around here and just live a simple life. I completely understand.


Well-Known Member
About the growing tomatoes or something ,I'd love to do something like that. I'm just afraid she'll go to school, tell her friends and teacher that we're "growing tomatoes" in a closet or basement in my house. Don't need that.


New Member
Well you don't have to grow them hidden. If its out in the open then all the better. How about in your kitchen or maybe even outside.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah we do a garden outside every year. Tomatoes, carrots, green and red peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, plus tons of herbs on the porch. Basil, cilantro, rosemary... Wife's Italian and loves to cook, so lots and lots of herbs and spices.


Well-Known Member
I'm not putting down the DWC club, don't get me wrong!
You guys and gals are wonderful. I just don't want people to think I'm here peddling my life style. I'm here to learn about Hydro and if I meant nice people it is a plus for everyone.

As I said women are much more open to different life styles than men.
Women are just nicer people in general. Sorry guys but the truth hurts some times. I think it is the protector in us that makes us more biased to others, less willing to except people that are different.

I'm sure the DWC Club is more than open minded to other life styles. I know I am!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting an aerogarden with cherry tomatoes to start in the kitchen. That seems like the most explainable and most easily understood. I'm just nervous because we had a lady in my town who I guess was growing and her son brought in a leaf from her pot plant for show and tell without her knowing. This obviously led to a raid of her house and her being arrested and almost losing her son. Luckily she got a good lawyer, pleading that she only had one plant and it was strictly for her own personal use for the pain in her back, and she got off with probation. That was when it was still a felony to grow here.


New Member
Great stuff Jonny! If I had a yard I owned, I would go with an ebb-n-flow sys for the back yard and grow all sorts of things!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you and I hope I'm wrong about every person here.

Tomatoes, now we are talking my specialty but I too want to more to Hydro for veggies. I think with the correct setup you can grow Tomatoes, pole beans, squash and other veggies in the same system using the same poles for climbing. PVC 3/4 to 1 inch would be perfect to build it with. Let me know who your grow goes.


No nasty replies here Token, just interesting how different people live. We are all here for a common interest, to learn and help. And yes I am going to grow cherry tomatoes w/ my step daughter in my dwc. I am thinking of a dwc:soil grow to get her feet wet.


Well-Known Member
I understand that. Our kids don't go to public schools so we don't have that issue. I did read about a guy getting busted that very way.

About the growing tomatoes or something ,I'd love to do something like that. I'm just afraid she'll go to school, tell her friends and teacher that we're "growing tomatoes" in a closet or basement in my house. Don't need that.


Well-Known Member
I havent started the tomato grow yet, had to take down the X-mas tree. I am going to grow them in the living room. Im not growing anything else(MJ) there so no problems. She actually say my vegg closet, before they moved in. We were painting and she all of a sudden opened the closet and was like whats this. I passed it off for tomatoes and it was forgotten. She didnt ask what happened to the tomatoes when she moved in so forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Excellent idea but for the $$$ you can make one very easy for little money.

I was thinking about getting an aerogarden with cherry tomatoes to start in the kitchen. That seems like the most explainable and most easily understood. I'm just nervous because we had a lady in my town who I guess was growing and her son brought in a leaf from her pot plant for show and tell without her knowing. This obviously led to a raid of her house and her being arrested and almost losing her son. Luckily she got a good lawyer, pleading that she only had one plant and it was strictly for her own personal use for the pain in her back, and she got off with probation. That was when it was still a felony to grow here.


Well-Known Member
Hey Net I know how you love your diy stuff-I dont have a pic but I was given a grow cabinet for free with 2 100w mh bal. and bulbs. I bought a batwing reflector off e-bay for 15$ w/shipping. It has a socket setup on one end of it, so I took out the rivets on the other side and added a socket holder, rivited it in of corse. Now it is a 200w mh batwing. Bulbs have about 1.5 inches from tip to tip.


Well-Known Member
I just want to claim I know nothing about hydro if anyone asks basically. I think the aerogardens one of those systems that people who don't know much about hydro get.


Well-Known Member
so my 3 blueberry wont root or do shit for that matter in these rapid rooters, the only seed that rooted was the free fem gigabud. Sigh, im not sure what to do, i guess i could pull the seeds out and try to re-germ them. The tap roots were about 1/2 of an inch long when i dropped em in the rooters.

Any ideas?