Dwc Grow Club

Morning Boys and Girls, Sorry I missed last nights conversation. Finally something I can contribute.

Grafting is a method of asexual plant propagation widely used in agriculture and horticulture where the tissues of one plant are encouraged to fuse with those of another. It is most commonly used for the propagation of trees and shrubs grown commercially. (Grafting is limited to dicots and gymnosperms. Monocots lack the vascular cambium required.)
In most cases, one plant is selected for its roots, and this is called the stock or rootstock. The other plant is selected for its stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits and is called the scion. The scion contains the desired genes to be duplicated in future production by the stock/scion plant.
In stem grafting, a common grafting method, a shoot of a selected, desired plant cultivar is grafted onto the stock of another type. In another common form called budding, a dormant side bud is grafted on the stem of another stock plant, and when it has fused successfully, it is encouraged to grow by cutting out the stem above the new bud.
For successful grafting to take place, the vascular cambium tissues of the stock and scion plants must be placed in contact with each other. Both tissues must be kept alive until the graft has taken, usually a period of a few weeks. Successful grafting only requires that a vascular connection takes place between the two tissues. A physical weak point often still occurs at the graft, because the structural tissue of the two distinct plants, such as wood may not fuse.

(sorry for the wikipedia but I, couldn't of said it better anyway) Unfortunately grafting is not very easily done with Cannabis. You need to have two species with almost identical youth stalk. The problem being - You lose about a month and a half of active growth while waiting for the plant to heal. Along with that, the structural integrity of the plant is weakened to about 20% of it's original strength. That is the reason why if you go to a nursery and start looking around, your only going to see plants and trees grafted with a downward growing top. Such as a weeping variety. That way the top of the plant acts almost as an anchor to the graft itself. If you were to try and graft a cannabis top to a cannabis bottom, your plant isn't going to be able to sustain itself without tearing and ripping apart at the graft. Givin the fact that cannibus has an extrodinary root system and growth, I'm sure many other plants grafted to a cannibus bottom would do alright just so long as their tied up and don't produce any heavy fruits or flowers. But whats the fun in that? I have heard of Grafting hops to a cannibus bottom,(never seen or tried it) but again hops grows more as a vine than a freestanding plant so your able to releive a lot of pressure off the graft. In that case I suppose you would be able to graft grapevine to cannibus as well, unfortunatly the leaves are what create the chemicals that create THC so no THC would be created in either the hops or the grapes. But if you do get into grafting, may i suggest Lac Balsam, stuffs great, and grafting tape.
The only things I've been able to successfully graft are Dogwood, Cherry, Hydrangea, Locust and Beech. Beech, and dogwood being the hardest (thinnest cambial layer).
I read a book that described grafting hops to a marijuana stalk,keep in mind it was an old book.Anyway it said you can have a 12 ft plant with thc content and would not be noticed. because they are cousins in the plant world.Please correct me if the shit was wrong people!!!!!!!

No unfortunately no THC content.
Net's pic's look like what I saw! It took A awhile for the wounds to heal but I was told that it worked.. I am gonna give it A try one of these day's and see what happens

Nice pics net, but no budshots huh? I don't know. Looks more like an experiment to me than a method.
thats pretty radge like - iv seen similar shiz go on with crops of other plants . . . if the hops didnt end up with thc , does that mean the oranges were the same? with them bein further apart geneticly . . tho it didnt say which method was used for it
DP is lookin like a tiny version of nets sourced pics after having to bandage her up :( due to a falling clay pebble accident ( note to self all seedlings must wear hard hats )
as far as that technique goes if someone gives it a shot , take a shot or 2 or . . 10

missed a pile of posts , i partialy blame the heavy session yesterday that lead to a nice well needed long sleep ( FOR ONCE!)

Hope every1s on the mend ( Ma wee durby included)
Morning people...Johnny thats very informative man.Sounds like u could just get better results the old fashioned way by growing out plants and just crossing them..Plants dont take long in these systems anyway..Learn something new everyday man thanks.
Congrats on the medal dl! You are officially hooked on RIU!

Check this out! It looks really fun and great to see grow!


Thanks net this medal seems to be following me around at times and makes me feel wierd. im on here way to much and i think they are trying to tell me something lmao..
Aquaponics hahaha the ideas are endless lol... i kinda grow things aquaponicly now like in my saltwater fish tanks..
Morning people...Johnny thats very informative man.Sounds like u could just get better results the old fashioned way by growing out plants and just crossing them..Plants dont take long in these systems anyway..Learn something new everyday man thanks.

Yeah no prob. Worked in a nursery for a couple years, which is actually how I was introduced to pot in the first place (smoking, not growing).
Hey DL since u are A reefer, have u tried using A 20k MH for A veg cycle? I was looking at some of the lamps I have laying around and was wonder if anyone has tried them or A 10k,14k?

Thanks net this medal seems to be following me around at times and makes me feel wierd. im on here way to much and i think they are trying to tell me something lmao..
Aquaponics hahaha the ideas are endless lol... i kinda grow things aquaponicly now like in my saltwater fish tanks..
Hey DL since u are A reefer, have u tried using A 20k MH for A veg cycle? I was looking at some of the lamps I have laying around and was wonder if anyone has tried them or A 10k,14k?
Yea bro I have a 175 watt MH made by JBJ... The best thing u can do for ur plants in veg... Alot of the reefer distributers also supply the bulbs for plant growing.
True blue actinic man..JBJ is the best..I dont use it now cuz it just grows the plants way to big and to fast for what i need in my system.Im currently vegging with 4 daylight cfls haha..
And also...Did u know u could place an HPS lamp near the tanks for a few hours at night to make ur corals reproduce? It all works hand in hand i think..Plants and corals all photosynthesize the same way..
I don't run MH anymore on my tank I use All t-5's, but I do have a couple of geisman 20k MH's, I'm gonna try it thanks.......

Yea bro I have a 175 watt MH made by JBJ... The best thing u can do for ur plants in veg... Alot of the reefer distributers also supply the bulbs for plant growing.
True blue actinic man..JBJ is the best..I dont use it now cuz it just grows the plants way to big and to fast for what i need in my system.Im currently vegging with 4 daylight cfls haha..
And also...Did u know u could place an HPS lamp near the tanks for a few hours at night to make ur corals reproduce? It all works hand in hand i think..Plants and corals all photosynthesize the same way..
I have almost lost my voice! My soar throat is so bad right now it sucks! Ricolas aren't doing shit and I have a headache! aahhhhhhh