Dwc Grow Club

Morning dwc club---GREAT job net! You couldnt find 1/2 circles to hold the socket? That looks like it will work fine! Heres my 200w mh diy w/batwing in my diy cabinet with aluminum reflectors on walls.

Everyone needs to read this story about a cop that supports pot legalization.


A cop with a Ph.D and he's for decrim!! AWESOME!

That ex-wife was a real bitch for doing what she did to her ex-husband.

Good read!
don't say it like its bad. i did the same with the 150 watt hps security lamp from lowes. do you usually get good results that
This will be my first time with everything you see in my grow. So I don't know what results I will get. I'm hoping great things though.
Hey guys had a job come in. Its funny, when I am not busy and here nobody is chattin, when I have some work and am away, everyones like hey whats up.....

Net , I got the reflector on e-bay for $20 w/shipping maybe 25. Then I took out the rivets on side with no socket, bent a thin steel piece 90 degrees and dremmeled a 1/2 circle into it and a few holes for socket. Riveted it on the other side now duel 100w mh's. The ballasts are on the back side of cabinet spaced out w/1/2 inch nuts to keep ballasts away from cabinet.


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that's what's up!!!! my first attempt was a failure most was my fault. i'm in the process of evaluating everything as i prepare for the next on
Net did you go with the e-cono light site I sent you? Or something different? Man, I would love to get some lowrider, but kinda afraid to order seeds on line. Where can I get one of those chargable credit cards that will be accepted over seas? Anyone know? When I see them at shell or exxon I look at the back and they say for us only.