Dwc Grow Club

I have a question about my grow!! Please Help.

So my grow consist of 2 plants. One is an Indica dom(right) and the other Sativa dom.(left). THe roots have really baddly intertwined and can not be seperated without MAJOR ripping. This is a pic of them while with RR. Anyway...

My question is this:

When the Indica is done and ready, It will be way sooner than the sativa which means I will have to go on 2wks of flushing before said sativa. Will I be able to tear the roots in between and just put the indica in its own tub ready with an airstone and flush it?? Will the plants be screwed up because of it? Will the sativa suffer from it???!?!?


Thanks in advice.
hmmmmmmmmm - how tangled? if you think you could manage it without too much damage and relocate id say go for it.
if they were all slimey still it would be a nice easy job , infact howz that all cumin on , more like hows the cum coming off haha
Iv read about flushing not being so needed when u go organic but do u want to risk a shitter smoke . .
im gona try n read up on fast track flushing and longer lasting methods aswell , but id say worste case slowly take nuts down in the last 2 weeks of indy . . last week water and molasses only ( maybe run the risk of tiny nutes) and then repeat for the sativa . . obviously being able to get them apart would be a better idea
i duno its like 7:30 am , ill go get the kettle on and brew up some ideas while i do the same for myself ( attempting a resketch of my 'design' )
7:30am!!! It's 1:36am here.

As far as the nutes go, I was pure organic until I added the florabloom. Now there is reason to flush.

My roots are doing a lot better. I'll let you know how the cal-mag worked out after I get results.

Thanks chaz
Yo net. I had all my roots on the 3 big plants grow together. I just carefully cut more or less in between hoping for the best. No way to undo them. They actually grew together. I can't tell you how well it working right now as the three plants are almost dead (cause of nute burn). I'm going to use hygrozyme (an enzyme product that breaks down organic material) as soon as something recovers. Curious to see what everyone else says...
Morning clubbers!! Net I would cut more of the roots from plant that finishes first. cut stalk, hang to dry. cut roots off bottom of net pot as close but not too close to other plants roots this way the roots left over will die out and shouldnt effect other plant. Or use nutes going to finishing plant. Might have to scoop them out as they break away in the res. Thats what I would do. I have seen someone make a root bag and attach to bottom of netpot out of humming bird feeder net, maybe if you know you have 2 strains finnishing at different times, this would be easiest for next grow.

Just checked plants and looking good-temp was barely 60 deg. but lights just came on little while ago it will be 68-69 in an hour or so.

Potorlando-sounds like you have a handle on things hope it turns out good for you! Sending some pos. thoughts for your babbies.

Any one here yet???
good stuff man , and even better news on the eats- i seen that pic u had up the other night!:P
Still wander around tryin to help out as noob as i am myself , but even i get so fed up with the same question asked worse that it was the 700+ times it was previously -
anyway that aside im gettin a couple toddlers , w-widow if im not mistaken . . which sounds good to me as far as time goes , already considering putting 1 straight to 12/12 n keepin 1 to veg as a mumma ( just hope they are mature enough)
Even if you vegg em for a bit chaz then go 12/12 except for mom. overall- sounds good. Wish I had some ww. I was looking into lowrider ww. I have limited height. Dont think I want autoflower, cant take clones. And for the price of some of the seeds out there I want clones to re-coup some expence. I know what you mean as far as noobs go, and then your a dick if you tell them look at FAQ? Cant win sometimes. But I try thats all I can do.
My house is early hippy! I have nothing referring to many period of time after 1980. You don't need a woman or a gay guy to decorate a house.


Net listening-shes good love this song- Decorating? I am the gayest straight man you prob know. and I am not married on your same principal. Own a house yard now kids. I have different themes for each room. Loft is asian, master bath I did tropical fish even added tile in shower. Painted yellow base, then sponge rolled orange. Just re-did 2nd bath replaced floor, tiled,new tub, toliet, walls shower tile with 2 slate corner shelves. Did it all myself. I am anal when it comes to decor. I even make candles out of the burnt up ends. melt them down new wick in a 3"round mold,new candle. Was going to make it my second business. It would be state funded due to recycling 100% profit!
Chuck this is deep water culture we fill tubs with water and bubble them under pots. But to answer your question AS BEST AS POSS, I think-5min every 3-4 hours, time on depends on how strong pump is, and drain good- hope i helped.

Whats up Slow havent heard from you in a while. Oh and most home decorators (HGTV) are gay or women. I was just tring to say I can and Im not, just had people tell me that-LOL Hows your grow going?
Anyone else have opinions on what I should do...

I have a question about my grow!! Please Help.

So my grow consist of 2 plants. One is an Indica dom(right) and the other Sativa dom.(left). THe roots have really baddly intertwined and can not be seperated without MAJOR ripping. This is a pic of them while with RR. Anyway...

My question is this:

When the Indica is done and ready, It will be way sooner than the sativa which means I will have to go on 2wks of flushing before said sativa. Will I be able to tear the roots in between and just put the indica in its own tub ready with an airstone and flush it?? Will the plants be screwed up because of it? Will the sativa suffer from it???!?!?


Thanks in advice.
So yesterday night I smoked some shake from a schwag bag I had laying around and when I woke up in the morning I had a big damn headache. I thought it would be fun to google it to see if anyone had a cure other than pills. I ran across this shit and it made me wanna sign up and rip this person a new one. Look at what this person told another.

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Joined: 22 May 2006
Posts: 214
Location: Melbourne Vic

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Posted: 06/25/06 - 17:16 Post subject: Marijuana headaches

Hi, Marijana with its THC content being quite high these days around 2o% is a powerful thing, especially if it is grown hydroponically. You dont know what hormones have been put in to it in the growing phase. Marijuana adhers to the fatty parts of your bodyhttp://www.steadyhealth.com/Marijuana_related_headaches_t72901.html#. Your brain being the first place it goes to as the brain is almost 100% fat. You are probably suffering withdrawels . Someone who has smoked for a long time when they attempt to give it up experiences headaches.

Try going with out it for a month or two, to see how you feel. You do not seem to have an addiction, or it would be daily usage.

Long term use of marijuana can be quite dangerous, causing physcotic episodes& paranoia & especially if you are under the age of 23 where your brain has not yet fully formed. It is not a wise thing to start smoking before the age of 23 as your brain pathways will ever be fully formed.
hahahaha , its amazing now people pick and chose bits of wrong info from goverment propoganda - some shitipedia blabber and then something they just pulled elbow deep from thier anus.
Well maybe thats just my view , the view of the fat unformed brain of a psychotic paraniod nutbar!

net its that kinda shit that shines light bright on diy , u know its all good, in ur own hood
u got any of the shit left? iv become pretty good at spotting possible contaminents . . we get fibreglass , sugar , think there was even salt, got so bad once the national news had to do a reprot on it as folks were getting hospitalised. .
Government Propaganda indeed chaz. There are many site like this one. Wow! No wonder people thing weed is bad, they don't take the time to really research it. THey type in headache marijuana and get this shit. It is disgusting and a lie!
u got any of the shit left? iv become pretty good at spotting possible contaminents . . we get fibreglass , sugar , think there was even salt, got so bad once the national news had to do a reprot on it as folks were getting hospitalised. .

There may be some left.. I have a pic of some similar stuff I smoked. It too gave me a headache.. Do you want the pic?
Hoping to stop such lies being so wide spread over here at at least if this protest goes well at the end of the month. . . turns out they wanted me back in court the same day, luckily that got sorted . . as did my boiler :D
get ur pics oot for the lads!
heard of this bud perfume sorta stuff that makes it smell hella good - while making it look hella trichy
trickery is a terrible thing i tells ya

ahh im so excited about sample the purest most pleasent plant perfected by my own means.
did i tell all about the ww? n am i right in presuming whiteberry is widow and bberry cross?