Dwc Grow Club

Toke im going to try ur idea tommorow and see which way is more efficient..I copied this idea from someone elses diy but the odors gone now and it feels good.
Now I need to enclose these monsters but may not need to just seal up the front of the closet i guess and start blasting air in and out of it..Or maybe ill even leave it the way it is till i get an ac unit to slap on it. Room temps at 79 degrees and the res is at 72.
JSo you disassembled the fan and placed the plastic guard in the filter like a puoch and placed it back into the fan assembly???? Can you take a pic of it in whole? It would really help me with making one!
also another cheap ass way to make ventilation ducting is to use cardboard boxes taped together....get a couple of boxs about the same size as your box fan...then run them where you would like to exaust or intake the air..then tape all the joints together with duct tape....ive been there and done that....we all gotta start from somewhere:)
Alright net here it is in full depth.. An old Laundry basket with holes all in it.
Took the fan and placed it over it. Took the dIY carbon filter and secured it to the plastic grate that came with the original ac filter. Put it next to my flowers and let her rip. 5 minutes is all it took..And if it costs me 20 bux a month to keep replacing the carbon im going to do that for peace of mind.
The fan is on top of the laundry basket sucking the air in the room into the inlet thru the holes in the basket.. Blowing thru the filter on the outlet end of the fan haha.Its placed directly on top of the fan.

Hope that helps. Must have.Glad i did this.


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also another cheap ass way to make ventilation ducting is to use cardboard boxes taped together....get a couple of boxs about the same size as your box fan...then run them where you would like to exaust or intake the air..then tape all the joints together with duct tape....ive been there and done that....we all gotta start from somewhere:)

Intersting flex so what i get from this is that all i really need to do is kinda enclose my lights on the box and blow cold air in over and back out of the room.. Then Pump the ac in to keep the entire room cool.. This sounds nice to me.
say you wanna put a an in your bedroom window...put the fan in the window and then make a run out of boxes from your fan to your room...then do the same thing for the exhaust...cheap ventilation for your ass
if i was you guys growin in closets i would enclose the room by stapleing panda film across the door way from the inside of your room....then put the zipper on the plastic and cut your doorway...the zippers can be found for 8 bucks at home depot...then you can cut your intake and exhaust holes in the panda...easy room temp control...you could also direct straight ac into the room that way
Yea man very nice bro.. Cant find a window ac anywhere either not til march everyones saying.. Could drop 5 bills on a 12000 btu upright ac unit at the dro store but ill pass for now i got some duct work on an ac vent in the room and covered most of the other vents so the house doesnt get too cold. Got to think of something else tho to get the temps lower.. Now without the odor issues seems like the rest will be simple just what tho.. Sure it would help venting from another room in the crib somewhere cool..Gonna think this out a lil. Going to smoke and put the thinking cap on
Yea Been thinking about that maybe even cheaper than that. damn wasnt trying to get all these things before the move haha ..Dont even know how im gonna set my next one up but gotta do what i gotta do in the meantime..
Hey man, me and one of my buds was sitting around smoking a lot of good cured shit when my best bud stopped by & said "Check this out" ChevyII 1966 on the cover of Chevy HP this month. Very sweat car, but I was so shit-faced I never read it but I think he left it here. Thought you'd like that one. Me & Rodger are Nova nuts around here. We have owned a couple but nothing like what you got.

Morning peeps, Sat. and at work today. How was everyones night? I bowled pretty good for not doing it in a year or so. Had a 178,n 196. Not too bad. Had 201 avg. in league.
Ed- you a technician too?
Samisery- dont be so down bro-were all learning here too-sorry some haters on site.
Dl-how much was the A/C at HD?
Net-glad to hear movie was good. So ac pushing smell into house, Maybe try ONA gel. I put some in dixie cups set in front of ac to blow the fresh scent throughout the room. I have started to smell mine a little but now just a fresh linen smell. Also when crystals evaporate, add a little water, back to new. Is your grow area boxed in? You could get some cardboard and duct tape and make a sealed vent right off output of ac, then vent it to grow area with flex vent.
Alright net here it is in full depth.. An old Laundry basket with holes all in it.
Took the fan and placed it over it. Took the dIY carbon filter and secured it to the plastic grate that came with the original ac filter. Put it next to my flowers and let her rip. 5 minutes is all it took..And if it costs me 20 bux a month to keep replacing the carbon im going to do that for peace of mind.
The fan is on top of the laundry basket sucking the air in the room into the inlet thru the holes in the basket.. Blowing thru the filter on the outlet end of the fan haha.Its placed directly on top of the fan.

Hope that helps. Must have.Glad i did this.

So i still dont get where the filter is? On top of the fan? You see, I have a box fan and everything to make this. Are you saying that you placed the fan in the basket and the filter on top covering the fan in the basket and facing the fan blowing toward the filter??? Sorry for the blonde moment, just trying to understand.
Yea net my fan is resting over the basket.I put the filter directly on top of the fan with air blowing tru it.. Toke says it will scrub the air better if u put the fan facing down with the filter on the inlet side. I think id have to hang the fan for this to work that way. Just a quickee solution im sure u could make it better with some ingenuity but its got my room completely odor free and i think its somehow scrubbing the air in my crib now haha..
The fan is resting on top of the basket like so not in it heres the other pic again.
Do i need to come over and do this for ya net.. put the bong down mami.
Oh. So the fan is blowing into the basket?? Right? The filter laying down on top of the fan covering it right? Wont this overheat the motor?
Net my fan is sucking air up thru the holes in the the basket and blowing it thru the carbon filter i just made. Its working actually the smell is gone.. If i have to buy an 18 dollar fan every month for no odor im gonna do it. No problems as of yet. Actually, I turned the fan down on setting low after the first couple hours.
Everythings smelling fresh now think about that.