Alrite Doc Green just peeped the xmas thread out man ill prolly get down on that n put this new cam to werk mang.. Just for fun tho u know gimme something to do aroind here!
Also Doc yo im on a cheese hunting grow spree bro is ur cheese from seed? Clone? If seed what is it bro looks tasty man..
Also merry xmas all hope all is well much grow love n all that tis the season.
Cool DL . well theres a few different cheese's in here all clone onlys

yeah its kinda like the kushes in the states there always seems to be a different cut..
I've grown all of them i think and to behonest i can't swear none of these aint from seed as iv'e come to realise not everybody knows there strains.. I got a 15 or so cuts of "cheese" and you can see one of them in my last grow ,its the mystrey plant in the small grow bag! Now you tell me thats cheese.
The uks messed up with cheese crosses some are fire though some not. The plant in the pic is another ?cheese - i got it off a guy i shared some cuts with couple months backs,he swears its one of the cuts i gave him of the blue cheese if its not the same as the others. He could be right it does have a simular taste, but i wasnt planning on growing them in my garden again plus i took cuts off them and added them to the cheese bag..
Akg seeds has a sick looking couple good looking cheese crosses. Big bUddah has a few too good ones to.. pablos cheese by cannaseur looks ok to.. But theres a wide range available now seems like most breeders have a cheese in there line up now..