DWC Grow Help!


Well-Known Member
OK well I have tried 8 seedlings in soil and every time they grow good then they have stunted growth... Kill them off

Anyways im thinking of trying to make a small Deep Water Culture.

Please tell me if anything is missing...

DWC List:
1x Rubbermaid Tupperware + Lid
1x Fish Pump
1x Air stone
1x Aqua Line
Tap Water In The Reservoir
NOTE: Do I have to buy hydro nutes at first or can a seedling grow in the tap water Deep Water Culture


Well-Known Member
Well , I would use 2 air stones if not more . You will need some net pots. What kinda lights are you using ?
You shouldnt use nutes for the first 2-3 weeks . Then use only 1/4 of whats recomended at first .
I'm on my second grow using a DWC with CFLs . My first grow didnt do so well Lighting was wrong and I nuted too soon . Lost 5 out of six and the one that survived turn out to be a male . Talk about shit luck . But my second grow is doing quite well . 5 weeks old and looking great . Already 1 week into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm wondering..

Should I try to grow with soil and CFL's or grow with Bubbleponics ?

I have tried with soil but failed with 7 seedlings..


Anyways what's better about Deep Water Culture ?

Do the plants grow a lot quicker then soil ?

Last of all I'm only looking to grow 1 single plant ?



Well-Known Member
Not sure if they grow quicker , I'm still new to the growing seen. I just know what I have tried and has worked for me. The DWC is one of the simplest ways to grow . Low cost and not alot of work .
Set your res up , put your air stones in , put your water and nutes in , ph your water , check your ppms ,set the lid back on it , put your plant in and set up your lights .


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest advantage of hydro (especially DWC) versus bio is that hydro takes all the guess work out of watering... to wet? to dry? water schedules etc...