DWC Help - is this overwatered?

Hey all - long time lurker - first time poster and first time grower here. Seems like a lot of great and knowledgeable folks so hoping to get some advice. One of my gals’ leaves appear pretty droopy since my last reservoir change and I’m wondering if it’s looking overwatered - if so any suggestions on what my issue could be? From what I’ve read I’m thinking either water level was too high or perhaps maybe my air pump isn’t providing enough oxygen. Here’s a quick rundown of my set up.

2 - 7.5 gallon totes
1 - active aqua air pump (4 outlet 15L/minute) using two outlets/air stones per tote
600 W MH/HPS
6” Can filter With can fan max
12” oscillating fan
6” clip fan
Rock wool in clay pebbles
3.75” net pots
General Hydro flora trio running at 1/2 strength for vegging and hydroguard
PH starting at 5.5 and slowly creeping up over the week and changing reservoir every 7 days.
water level has been just below net pot with no issues until most recent reservoir change but because of the droopy leaves I just lowered the water level to about an inch below net pot.4C4E6F59-E37C-427B-8103-EE78ED1AF441.jpeg02AE6706-AA0E-4A5E-8240-16D5E4F220FA.jpeg3DE0C883-4C31-4587-BD39-18C036F0E359.jpeg


Well-Known Member
No weird smells or gunk in the res mate?
Also what's your nute ppm? Probably too strong if your going by half the recommended. You'd be surprised how cheeky most nute companies are.
Water should be starting an inch below the net pot. The bubbles keep it plenty wet.
And just double check the bottom of the stem isn't going funky. If it's because the cubes were too wet they can go a bit soggy at the bottom. "Damping off"
Ph sounds spot on though so can rule that out anyway :)
Nope no weird smells or gunk in the rez - roots looking nice and white. PPM approximately 560 which I had just increased from about 400 as I was seeing what I thought was nute deficiency. But must’ve been something with my PH or something because now I’m seeing a tiny amount of nute burn so I’ll change my res out and lower my notes to 1/4 strength again. What should I look for at the bottom of the stem? Weird growth? Discoloration? Flimsiness? Thanks for the response my friend!
No weird smells or gunk in the res mate?
Also what's your nute ppm? Probably too strong if your going by half the recommended. You'd be surprised how cheeky most nute companies are.
Water should be starting an inch below the net pot. The bubbles keep it plenty wet.
And just double check the bottom of the stem isn't going funky. If it's because the cubes were too wet they can go a bit soggy at the bottom. "Damping off"
Ph sounds spot on though so can rule that out anyway :)
sorry above post was meant to be a response to you, I’m a forum noob haha.


Well-Known Member
Nutes aren't too high to be causing damage but yeah I'd go back down to like 250 plus the water. Less is best. If they go hungry they'll tell you buy yellowing.
Might just be temperamental plants tjough mate. Other than the water level I can't think of anything else you've done wrong. Doesn't sound like it anyway so fingers crossed it's probably nout to worry about.
Check the bottom of the stem for rot though. If they damp off it turns to mush. They should be sound to take it by now I'd say but worth checking as the wet cube is the only obvious culprit.
Should bounce back in a couple days bud.
Your close enough to what I'd be doing so wouldn't worry. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh and what you using to keep the res clean bud? Need to use hydroguard, h202, something to stop nasties growing.
Oh and what you using to keep the res clean bud? Need to use hydroguard, h202, something to stop nasties growing.
Awesome thanks for the responses! I’ve been using hydroguard as I felt it would be easier for me to work with beneficial bacteria than to try to keep a completely sterile reservoir. I think you may be onto something with the temperamental plant though. I haven’t had any issues at all with my other gal that I started about 3 weeks earlier - different strains too. This one here is a cross between bubba fett and platinum GSC.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd just chillax then mate. Keep doing what you're doing and all will be well.
The trick to dosing is to just follow the ppm.
When it starts dropping go up like 100ppm and wait for it to drop again.
If it's rising then add water till it stops.
All there is to it in a nutshell :)


Well-Known Member
Stop changing your nutes so often is what I'd do. There is no need to change nutes with plants that small as they're not eating much.

560ppm is fine. What is the ppm of the water you are using? If it's tap water and fairly high ppm then you probably need more nutes in there. I've only used RO or distilled water and done about 50 DWC tubs since 2001. I start my clones at 300 nute ppm and by the time they are the size of yours they are around 600. I never change nutes until after the stretch and most often never change nutes ever. I'm a real Scotsman and hate to waste a damn thing which weekly nute changes does in abundance. I just top up with RO first then check ppm and add more nutes to stay at my target level or raise it up if it's time for more.

I'd always used peroxide until I made a DIY chiller from a water cooler then used nothing but chilly nutes to keep roots white.

Thank you gentlemen! As a first time grower I tend to forget they call this plant “weed” for a reason - it grows like one! I’ll definitely take your advice to heart and just relax a bit and only give the ladies what they show me they need rather than what I think they need. Appreciate the insight!
Stop changing your nutes so often is what I'd do. There is no need to change nutes with plants that small as they're not eating much.

560ppm is fine. What is the ppm of the water you are using? If it's tap water and fairly high ppm then you probably need more nutes in there. I've only used RO or distilled water and done about 50 DWC tubs since 2001. I start my clones at 300 nute ppm and by the time they are the size of yours they are around 600. I never change nutes until after the stretch and most often never change nutes ever. I'm a real Scotsman and hate to waste a damn thing which weekly nute changes does in abundance. I just top up with RO first then check ppm and add more nutes to stay at my target level or raise it up if it's time for more.

I'd always used peroxide until I made a DIY chiller from a water cooler then used nothing but chilly nutes to keep roots white.

How cool do you keep your reservoir temps? Since it was my first time I just started with Hydroguard to be safe but if I don’t need it that would be pretty rad!


Well-Known Member
How cool do you keep your reservoir temps? Since it was my first time I just started with Hydroguard to be safe but if I don’t need it that would be pretty rad!
Between 65 - 68F is what I aim for and can usually keep it even lower if I want. When using hydroguard you have to be careful not to add anything containing carbs from what I've seen. They feed the bennies and they can go all population explosion on you and really gum up the works. I've never used any bennies in DWC.

Between 65 - 68F is what I aim for and can usually keep it even lower if I want. When using hydroguard you have to be careful not to add anything containing carbs from what I've seen. They feed the bennies and they can go all population explosion on you and really gum up the works. I've never used any bennies in DWC.

Right on - I could keep my rez temps fairly low as well - I’m in Colorado, USA and have my grow in the basement so heat has not been an issue at all thus far. But a diy water chiller sounds like something I’d want to look into to maybe have the option of moving my grow to an upstairs bedroom.