Well-Known Member
It is a foliar only.Ahh, I was hoping for a hug....Anywho, still apologize about that! And would Liquid Gold be good to add to my soup to enhance my flowering, or is it not very compatible with AN base nutes?
AN does carry something like it but I don't know the name. I do know I called the makers of liquid gold and talked for like an hour. They were very very knowledgable (it was not some 20 something stoner on the phone). I remarked that their stuff is the shit but you never hear about it. He said they were the first to come out with a fulvvic foliar and that AN put one out a year later. They bought a bottle and took it to the lab. It was 700%, yes 7x weaker than their formula and was still almost double the cost.
For those in the know, AN is actually a sickening predatory company. They talk about all this quality control and high quality ingredients and its complete bullshit. One of the reasons they get into so much fucking labeling trouble is that the ingredients don't match the label!!
Who really gives a fuck anyways, a fool and his money are easily parted but think some people would learn.