DWC Nutrients help


Active Member
So I just built my own DWC using a 35 litre (7.6 gallons) black storage tub. I got my pump ect and it is all up and ready to run. However the nutrients confuse me.

I have BioBizz Grow and Bloom. Obviously I know grow for veg and bloom for flower but I am lost about the measurments.

The bottle says 2-5ml per litre of water. Lets say you were growing in soil then fine, you water it with x litres and add the correct nutrient dosage. But since the roots are always in the water with DWC, what sort of feeding schedule do you use.

Lets say I just filled it up for the first time with 30 Litres, do i now put the nutes (60ml(ish))? When do I add more nutes in ect.

Sorry if this is worded wierd, hard to get accross what I am trying to ask.


Well-Known Member
Tip top is right.you may want to go with a different nutrient. I really like Botanicares Pure Blend Pro line. But to answer your question most company's have a feeding schedule online. Your gonna want to start you nutes at about a quarter strength so you don't burn your plants. Here is a Bio Bizz feeding Schedule http://www.gchydro.com/pdf/biobizz.pdf


Active Member
biobizz grow and bloom are soil nutrients, not hydro

hmm wierd, the site says:

Can I use Biobizz products on hydro or coco’s?
Yes, you can use Biobizz products on hydro systems and coco’s. It is just a different approach and usages of the Biobizz products. The Biobizz has two liquid product lines: Liquid organic plant food and the Organic bio-stimulants.

Bio grow
Yes (extra diluted version)**
Bio bloom
Yes (normal)*
Yes (normal)*
I'm guessing then that they are probably talking about a drip system or something similar rather than a DWC System.

Man at the store is a jerk, he said this would be fine lol!


Well-Known Member
You can use General Hydroponics Flora Series or like I said before I really like Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow, Bloom, Liquid Karma and Cal Mag Plus.


Well-Known Member
Almost any nutrients designed for hydroponics will work. Seems like most folks use General Hydroponics at first and add or try other nutes as they learn. There are a million opinions on what is the best. Not claiming GH is the best or worse, but is a great nute to learn with given the amount of posts and info on it.

To me, the ppm in DWC is as important if not more than the brand of nutes. Young plants keep under 400 ppm and increase by 50 to 100 as they grow. Maxing out at 900-1000. Lots of strains can handle more, but it's always best to play it safe and make slow and measured/carefully observed changes when you do. If you add more nutes and see leaves burning, then back off.

A ph meter and ppm/ec meter is a must have for this type of growing. Get them on amazon and you can find cheaper ones for around $30 each. Hope this helps. Happy growing!