Dwc plant problems

I'm at 4 weeks flowering, ph is 5.8 and stable for 2 plants,ppm is around the 1400 range. Water temps and room temps are stable and in the right range. I added bloom fx to the res change for the xnutrients line I'm using. Could the problem be from nutrient burn? Or lights? I tied the top down just in case. This is only 1 top on 1 of the plants. Any help or suggestions is appreciated!! Oh I also have a journal of these girls if anyone is interested.


Yeah it looks like some type of nute problem. Have you read and are following the intstructions on your nutrient bottle?

I know that seems like a silly question but I was actually reading the label wrong for a bit, and was having similar problems with my rockwool grow, when I switched from soil.


Well-Known Member
You are Extremely Cal Mag Deficient. I promise you. google images images of cal/mag deficient plants and youll see your plants. lol


Well-Known Member
Beginning nute burn. Your PPM is a tad high, even for plants that age. I suggest lowering it to around 900 and get the pH to around 5.9 - 6.0 for magnesium and calcium uptake. You can leave the pH at that to finish. I lower my PPM to around 600 when they have a couple weeks to go and to 400 with a week. They still need to eat despite what many thng. Don't worry about the 900 but don't add much nitrogen unless the plants show the need. They need much less nitrogen at this stage.


Well-Known Member
Also watch your PPM and pH daily. If your PPM rises you need to lower it by draining solution and adding water. Tap water is my pH Up. A dropping pH can indicate root problems.


I can probably help you but need details about light distance/intensity, how often you flush your system(s) what strain this is and type and dilution of ferts being used. You also need to be aware, if you're not, that the method you mix ferts with can render them useless or nute-locked if you make a mistake or are careless. Send me more info and I'm pretty certain I can help. I've been doing modified DWC for many years and typically get at least 2LBS+/plant, so what I'm doing seems to work pretty well. Let me know- glad to help if I can. Cheers.