Dwc Plants are droopy??


Well-Known Member
my plants are droopy in 5gal buckets, cfl for lighting , 78 degrees, fresh air, 12/12 lights, 3rd week of flower. Usually plants are vigorous. dutch masters 1pt grow and bloom for nutes. earth juice for micro nutes. Maybe i need better air stones. Any ideas fellow growers?


New Member
my plants are droopy in 5gal buckets, cfl for lighting , 78 degrees, fresh air, 12/12 lights, 3rd week of flower. Usually plants are vigorous. dutch masters 1pt grow and bloom for nutes. earth juice for micro nutes. Maybe i need better air stones. Any ideas fellow growers?
if your leaves are droopy they are propably over fed / over watered, lift the pots or shove a finger down see how it feels.

Give them nothing for 3 /4 days, Nothing...


Well-Known Member
im sorry, these plants are in deep water culture so im not familiar with the concept of over watering unless you thought these were soil, in that case, my fault. Anyone, droopy hydro plants ?


Well-Known Member
what is your ph? have you tries flushing and putting clean water? how do your roots look? it the temp in you bucket getting too warm? clogged air stone? weak air pump? i got tired of constantly fussing with dwc so i went to soil. you should have posted this in the DWC forum for more help.