DWC problem


I just transferred a plant from soil to DWC last night, followed all the recommended steps I could compile from the Internet, removing the plant from soil then gently removing dirt from roots. the plant is now in hydroton and a 3in. net pot.
the plant is 3.5 weeks old
PH: 6.0
Plenty of bubbles
the problem is that the plant has bent over almost completely fallen over. I've had a fan on the plants to increase their stem strength from the get go (early problem) but this seedling was pinched and i'm not sure it recovered all the way but it seemed rather healthy before. other than drooping stem and leaves there is no color deficiancy nor yellowing other than the cotyledons which just fell off. was switching to DWC too much for the plant after the pinched stem?
I also feel like it may be over watered by the DWC because when I transfered the plant there where a few roots sticking out and reaching the DWC water


Well-Known Member
see the problem is your roots have to adapt to dwc, Its almost always better to start the plant in a dwc then it is to transplant from soil.

I would LST it now or stake it up and see if it recovers. If not try again straight with dwc, it will work and never a problem of over watering.



its supported now. should I drain a bit of the water out so it's no longer touching the roots? they are wet enough and should sustain the plant for a while.


Well-Known Member
Im worried the roots will totally dry out which is a bad thing.

I would just wait and give it a few days to adapt to the water. Honestly we are at the brink of my knowledge, i never transfer soil to hydro.
I will BUMP for a better opinion than mine.

Good luck!



thanks for the help. i'm going to have to restart. this plant is dead for sure....I will start it right in DWC this time...


Well-Known Member
get you a package of rapid rooters or something like it. A starter plug is what i call them. Put your germinated seed tap root down into the plug. Set that in the basket and back fill with the balls.
