DWC question

I’ve been growing since I was a teenager, and I’ve come along way since then. Haha.
I have literally everything I need to get going but a answer to the water temp *potential* problem.

When I didn't use a chiller for one system for a couple of months I used UC roots with no problem and my water temp was 75-76 max before lights out(15 gallon system 70l/min air pump). just because it worked for me doesnt mean i would recommend it.

Im just confused on why you would risk root rot, when you could avoid it with a few frozen 2Liter bottles or a used water chiller. Its alot of variables that can cause root rot. In that southern ag post one of the members water source was the cause of his root rot, so he had to eventually change his water source. If we tell you that we can do it and it doesn't work for you how it worked for us you going to be looking at us side ways.
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The Southern Ag GFF is ~1000x more concentrated than Hydroguard
Used it with every dwc grow
Thats a fact, but I keep hearing how SAG isn't suited to survive in water, that the strain of bacterial used in hydroguard is more suited to survive in r/dwc systems..

Did you notice a biofolm from the bacteria dying off ever couple of days?
My water runs around 75.... if you use southern AG you don't need to worry bout chillers and all that BS...