DWC question


Well-Known Member
can i make my table 1x2m witch was initialy suppose to be an ebb and flow table into a dwc table,how deep does it have to be,is 1 foot enough and since i plan on having it covered with a plate and having holes in it with pots for the plants would i have the problem of the roots getting tangeled


Active Member
If there all females then i would not worry about the roots getting tangled if you are going to have to weed out the males then it will become an issue. As far a depth a foot of space for water is enough


Well-Known Member
but if i have a 1x2m table with some 60 holes for the plants ,thats in veg. and then i wana transplant those plants to 2 tables like that for the flowering wouldnt the roots get tangeled in veg. and make problems


Well-Known Member
is there a way to keep it from tangling without interventions,how do those comercial setups work,are they designed to veg and flower in the same container or are there some compartemts built in it so the roots wont tangle,and if i deside to have less bigger plants in the same unit i would have to build the mess wiers again to suit that,is there a easyer way