DWC question


Active Member
i have net pots and hydroton left over from a previous grow. i dont have any rockwool though. is there anything i can use and will work well aside from rockwool to start a new DWC grow? something cheap and can get locally. dont wanna make a trip to the hydro store until im able to buy more than just rockwool lol.


Active Member
I've seen people grow them in a shot glass until the roots start and then put them straight in the hydroton.


Active Member
Or you could try a piece of cheesecloth filled with perlite as kinda like a makeshift grow sack. I don't know if it would work I'm just throwing ideas out there. The roots should be able to grow out of the holes in the cloth.


New Member
i have googled it for u and some just start seeds then when u have a good taproot put directly in hydroton
some suggest cotton balls but dont know about that one


Active Member
I don't even add nutes until the second week of veg so yeah plain ph balanced water will do fine. You only need a few side shoots off the taproot before you transplant.


Active Member
Shreadded Wheat. But seriously a little cotton sounds like it would germ a seed and hold it in place while keeping it moist. See no reason it would work


Active Member
i've tried the soil to DWC before but it seems to get root rot everytime. i have had 1 survive but it ended up being male. i might try the shot glass and the cotton ball for the hell of it. i have plenty of bagseeds for testing lol


RIU Bulldog
Why to dynamically update the wind in storms and different flight levels with dynamic control of wind, but not out? With DWC off, the wind is almost static, as I move through the different seasons and levels of change and move in weather news. With the DWC, representation in FSX and ASE seem to agree much more reliable. I guess because the form DWC simply manipulate dynamically the station, the station on the planet?
What the FUCK are you talking about?!?! lol

DWC is deep water culture


Active Member
Just put some loosely packed wet paper towel in a big shot glass and put the germinated seed on the side. The paper towel will hold it in place and the roots will grow down.