DWC Questions. Please Help


Active Member
ok here's the 411. I've never growen but I do want to go DWC. Now I've seen Aero Ponics, flood and drain and such but I figure DWC would be the best and cheepest way to go for me.

1 - What should the PPM be for seedlings?
2 - What should the PPM be for freshly rooted clones and freshly taken clones?
3 - What should the PPM be for flowering stage?
4 - What temp should the water be at for veg and flowering stage?
5 - What should the PH level be for the water for veg and flowering?
6 - What nutes do I use for rooting clones in a dwc?


Well-Known Member
You dont need to worry about ppm if it's a small grow.
The water should be at room temperature not to cold or hot,
I dont use nutes when rooting clones they will most likely get nute burn if they even root at all.I use rooting hormone for all clones.Schultz makes some cheap root hormone that they sell at walmart.

I use general hydroponics,heres info on PH http://www.420magazine.com/forums/how-grow-marijuana/71851-what-should-ph-nutrients.html




Active Member
Thanks.. Well I will be starting in soil but I want to learn dwc cuz I can try it out for rooting and so on. my goal is to use DWC and do SOG flowering method that and DWC is the simple way of doing hydro


Well-Known Member
No problem man good luck with it all.
Just dont start until your settled and have everything you need to start the grow,thats the mistake I made when I started.I got into the grow and ended up fucked because I didn't have everything I needed.Most importantly read as much as you can and ask any question your not sure of someone will be glad to help you.


Active Member
No problem man good luck with it all.
Just dont start until your settled and have everything you need to start the grow,thats the mistake I made when I started.I got into the grow and ended up fucked because I didn't have everything I needed.Most importantly read as much as you can and ask any question your not sure of someone will be glad to help you.
Thanks. I already know what kind of lights I'm gonna use type of soil, type of plant food size of pots I want to go to a most for moms and dads. I'm not gonna use jiffy pucks since they cost more then what you can get for under $10 to easly do about 3+ sets of 72 cell things.

I'll prob do a 3 feet by 3 feet min for the flowering area maybe 4 x 3 foot space for the flowering area. I might use DWC also for if I do go down the road for mixing strains
ok I have 2 questions.

1 - I already have a strain that I want to grow but I kinda want to try out DWC from seed. I was wondering what you thought about if I still order the seeds I want to get and grow thoes in soil and get some cheep seeds and start some in DWC and the rest in Soil?
2 - I have 3 empty plaster containors kicking around and I was wondering if I could use thoes for a small dwc if I wash them out well.

Soil is cheep to start but I want to try to do DWC from seed to so that's why I wanted to know if you think I should get a cheeper strain to try some in DWC and the rest in soil. So at least if the few that I try out in DWC doesn't turn out at least I still have the one I wanted growing and the other strain in soil to and not have to worrie about the one I want dieing and not having a high chance of getting a female and male


Active Member
I always heard ya shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket. pretty sure that applies here.
well that's why I asked if I should order a 2nd strain and grow or at least try to grow some of thoes in DWC and have the rest in soil.

Do you think I could do a DWC using 3 1L plaster containors that I have kicking around that are empty if I wash them good?