DWC rez temp 73 degrees is that ok ???


Well-Known Member
5 gallon bucket plant is like 2 inches tall under a 150 watt. Rez temp is 73 degrees with basically no roots in the bucket yet (plant has established root system just not in bucket) which keeps water moving really well... Is 73 degrees water gonna be a problem ?? also used h2o2.


Well-Known Member
my first grow water temps were off the chart.
I'm talking 100f degree room with water temps not far behind. H2o2 and co2 probably pretty much saved it for me.
The size of buds was crazy and after getting more of a grasp on controlling room environment I haven't seen that big of buds since :/
Although quality suffered that grow probably went nearly two pounds under a 1KW HPS.


Well-Known Member
Ive had problems with using only h202 with high temps. It helps but I would highly recommend getting some dutch master zone. I use it now and dont even care about my res temps. Its great for peice of mind. You wont get root rot by simply using 1 ml per gallon.