DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011



Dayum Straight Droolin shit looks nice
week 5. Just starting to actually do something. Can someone help me with ideas of why the leaves are turning yellow and some getting brownish spots and how to fix it? More MagiCal?

strain Moby Dick
ph 5.5-6.5
temp 75F (off) 85-90F (on)
water temp 70-75F

Using TechnaFlora nutrients (BC Grow, Bloom, etc). It seems like this always happens at this point of my grow. Do I need to use fresh water for 24 hours to get rid of salt build up? Last time this happened I started using a tsp more of MagiCal and it helped. I already boosted it and no change so far so I'm lost.

Im no pro ray but Id say a ph of 6.5 is too high. I let mine drift up from 5.6-6.2
ppm might be too high as well, what are the ppms?. I dont flush until the end either.
They don't look bad. First thing I see is the pot that it is in. Make sure that the sides of it are sealed and not letting light get into the rez water.
I have covers on the top of my pots and taped them down to the rez lid to keep light out. Just as a precautionary.
I have never used that nute line so IDK. With my AN nutes luckily I have never had to purchase nor use Cal-Mag.
When in doubt, flush it out! Not running ater for 24 hours. Just drain and clean rez if possible then fill back up with fresh water.
It is not going to hurt anything to flush out the nutes and let the roots airdry in the empty rez for about 10-15 minutes.
Then add fresh water and nutes. What are you using as a pH down?

pH needs to be around 5.4-6.0 (6.5 is too high for my liking)
Rez temp: I try my best to keep it around 63-67 by adding ice to my rez daily
PPM: If you don't have a meter then you might wanna get one from eBay for $15

ray- bluberrys spot on, its way easier to dump n start over. also you might be too high with nutes, sometime in the game they require less. overall im not seeing a crises just something to figure out before it becomes one. let us know what you do n results
whodat- looking great there bud lol, where did you get the beans for the space bomb n sd? ld be interested in running some of that, looks tasty :)
Thanks everyone for the help. I guess I'll end up buying a meter. And I'll flush for a bit, I just thought I might be stunting their growth and production.
Blu, I use General Hydroponics Ph Up and Down. No light is getting in the rez, I think it's too much nutes. Last time I used to mix everything with an extra gallon of water to the nutes. I'm flushing it now for a few hours.

Wo0t! gonna have pics up of my new girl soon :) The scrogs looking much cleaner now that my first one's almost done. √